Minecraft:Steve's Adventures Book 4 Read Count : 134

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
Steve walked outside to check on Max's grave.Steve sighed"I sure miss you Max,you were my best friend,but now you're gone,but you will always be remember."Steve said to himself."It's ok Steve,we will find you another friend sometime,I promise that"The Skeleton King said."Ya,but it won't be the same,but it's better than nothing,maybe we can find me another friend."Steve said."Lets go look for some food,we are running out,I'll have me and a few skeletons come."Steve said.A few minutes later,Steve and a few skeletons walked around in the forest near the jungle looking for food."Steve,it's getting dark,should we get home?"A skeleton said."Yes,y'all head back home and I'll go hunting for food,I'll be back before morning."Steve said.The skeletons nodded their heads and headed back to the temple.Steve continued to walk into the forest alone looking for food.Suddenly a hiss was heard behind Steve.Steve immediately turned around to see a creeper,one of the scariest monsters found in the overworld at night.Steve ran deeper into the forest before the creeper could explode.Steve turned around while running and the creeper seemed to be gone.Suddenly Steve ran into some girl and they both fell to the ground.Steve and the girl both made eye contact,the girl had long orange hair with green eyes,green shirt and brown jeans,she seemed to be holding a basket full of supplies but it spilled everywhere when they both ran into eachother.There was also a baby mooshroom cow next to her,a mooshroom is like a cow,but it's red with white spots and mushrooms growing on it's back."Who are you?"Steve asked."Alex,my name is Alex,and my pet mooshroom is named Stacy,we've been friends every since I found a mushroom island,which is my home at this point."Alex explained."Can I check out your place?I can take you to show you my jungle temple home,I'm the ruler of it with my people being the Skeleton King and his men,I lost my best friend Msx,who was a cat,he died fighting the Slychiathan,which I slayed."Steve explained."What's a Slychiathan?"Alex asked.Steve then explained what it was."Wow that sounds scary,but gladly you killed it,Stacy probably wouldn't have survived that thing if we were here while it was still alive,and I'll be happy to show you my base,follow me."Alex said.Alex lead Steve to a beach with 2 boats parked in the water."Get in one of the boats,and follow me."Alex said.They both got in a boat,Stacy riding in Alex's boat behind her.They soon reached a Mushroom Island,and a small wooden house with a little farm and fence keeping an adult mooshroom inside it."This is it."Alex said.Alex showed Steve around on the island.Alex then grabbed a picture of someone that looked like a walking tnt block,it had a silly looking face on it.Alex then sighed."What's wrong?"Steve asked.Alex showed him the picture and pointed at it."This is my brother named EXPLODINGTNTPLUSH,he's a good person and we were separated from each other from...something just yesterday,I've been looking for him for a while,and I hope to find him very soon."Alex explained."I'm sure me and my people can find him,and what did this...thing look like.?"Steve said."It looked like some thing,it had long arms,it was super tall and the feet were huge,it seemed to leave a huge footprint every time it walked,it's roar was SUPER loud,I think it was able to be heard all across the jungle,it's snout was long and the mouth was huge,it had long and very sharp teeth,millions of teeth,probably enough to bite a tree in half."Alex explained.Steve was in shock,what Alex just described was EXACTLY what the Slychiathan looked like,but how,a month ago Steve killed it,it was IMPOSSIBLE for it to be alive,they dumped the body in the river and it was drawn to the ocean and the body HAD to have sunken to the bottom of the ocean."I think you just described what the Slychiathan looked like,but how,I killed it about a month ago?"Steve said."Wait what?I didntknow that was the Slychiathan!"Alex said."It must have taken your brother TNT,we HAVE to find him,but I don't understand how it could possibly be alive,but in the morning,we will make a plan of action to find your brother,AND kill the Slychiathan FOR GOOD."Steve said.
Minecraft:Steve's Adventures book 5
Coming Soon
EXPLODINGTNTPLUSH:he's my best friend in real life,he's really sick and depressed right now,and the reason why I added him in this book was to try to make him feel better,I hope you all enjoyed this book.


  • Gabriel Whitman

    Gabriel Whitman

    I hope you all enjoyed this amazing book,book 5 is coming soon,and my best friend in real life EXPLODINGTNTPLUSH(Joseph is his real name.)is very sick and I want him to be better very soon,I hope he enjoys this book just like all of you,I hope you all enjoy it as much as he does.

    Jan 21, 2018

  • this was good keep doing more books and add hero brine pleas everyone wants that?.

    Jan 25, 2018

  • It is so cool

    Jan 29, 2018

  • Apr 20, 2018

  • _

    Apr 27, 2018

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