Parasitic Earth
Read Count : 150
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
By: Michael Speicher Chapter 1: Mark and Billy were playing football in the backyard of the abandoned school which used to be the playground but was now just weeds growing through cracks and a rusty swing set with no swings. The building was made of bricks and had an off red look because of the decades it had been abandoned. All the windows and doors were boarded up. "Let's head home Billy," Mark said. Mark gave Billy one more pass which ended up being a little too high and slipped right off his fingertips. It slammed off the wall of the school building and landed in the weeds. Billy walked over to get the ball when all a sudden Mark said: "Billy look in the sky!" They both looked up to the sky and saw what looked like a ball of fire. It seemed to be heading right at them. Mark was 15 years old and respectably strong. He also possessed some good speed he played running back in his high school and was pretty darn good at it. at that moment; and is what probably resulted in him saving his brother's life. "Look out Billy!" Mark shouted at the top of his lungs. As Mark shouted this the ball of fire crashed into the abandoned school building. It exploded through the top of the building sending debris down everywhere. At this moment mark shot out and tackled Billy to the ground just in time to save him from sudden death as a pile of smoking bricks struck the ground inches from both of them. "What the heck was that," Mark said. Billy was getting up off the ground, his head was hurting and he was scared. Billy was 13, and a good kid. "It looked like a meteor, I don't know man " Billy replied shaken a bit from the tumble with Mark. Mark looked at the hole in the roof with smoke billowing out. "We need to get in there and check Billy, you with me?" Mark asked this with fascination in his eyes. Billy was scared but he did not want Mark to know it. He said. "Of course I always got your back bro." They heard a loud popping noise Billy really couldn't explain it. He just knew that he never heard anything like it before. Then things got creepy. Chapter 2 Mark went to the window of the school, "come on Billy let's find something to pry this window open." Billy looked around he was scared what was that noise it sounded like a zit popping on a giant. "We should just go, Mark, it could be anything that fell from the sky," Billy said nervously. Mark gave Billy that let's get a real look and said, "what if it's a baby like Superman, you want to miss out on that Billy?" Just As mark said this, something hit the wooden window with enough force to push it out some. Mark and Billy both backed up "maybe we should get out of here Billy!" Mark said. So Mark and Billy took off down an alley leaving their football in the weeds; just as the fire trucks and police cruisers rolled in. Chapter 3 The boys got home around 5:30 pm. Their mom was cooking super and juggling laundry at the same time. "I'm glad you two are back all kinds of police and fire vehicles just went up the street, I was getting worried." Billy was going to tell his mom what he and Mark witnessed but he decided against it and he and his brother helped set the table for dinner. That night before bed Billy was on the floor of his bedroom playing with his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures when mark came in his room. "That was crazy Billy, it will probably be in the paper tomorrow, right on the front page," Mark said excitedly. Billy looks at his older brother and says, "Superman wasn't in that crash Mark, I'm glad we got out of there I have a bad feeling about the whole thing." Mark grabbed Michelangelo and got ready to battle his little brothers Shredder, "yeah, your probably right." Mark said, and he and his brother ended the night with a good game of Ninja Turtles. Chapter 4 They found out on channel 6 news the next day, that what hit the school had been a meteorite. They said the town got lucky. NASA didn't pick up any signs of the meteorite, which has left scientists baffled. Mark got up and said, "I told you, Billy, boy it would be on the news, did I not?" To be continued...
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