Slytherin's Emerald Princess Read Count : 201

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
                       Chapter One:
                    The Wand Maker

     The sunlight poured into the dimly lit room. I roll around in the covers and bump into something hard. “What the hell?” I scream still half asleep.
  “Dra-Draco is that you?” I stutter. “Mmmh . . . Yeah why are you so jumpy Violette?” He says before getting up and yawning. 
    “I had that nightmare again the one about the snake attacking the little boy.” I shudder and Draco wraps his arms tightly around me and pulls me close to his chest.
   After a few minutes I finally shrug out of his embrace and walk to my walk-in closet. I walk all the way to the bathroom door to make sure it’s unlocked. The bathroom connects mine and Draco’s rooms together from the closets. 
  “I am taking a shower first and don’t forget to wear something nice Drakey because we are going to Diagon Alley to get our school supplies today.” I say as I pick out my outfit. 
   My outfit today is an ultra mini-skirt made of black dragon skin and it has some green lace on it. I put a very cute emerald tank top with it and paired that with a little half jacket made of black mamba skin. 
     I walk over to my dresser and pick out a matching bra and panty set of black silk and emerald lace. I also grabbed a Slytherin House tie, that I found in some of Auntie Narcissa’s old school stuff that was in the attic above my room, and my family brooch with a mix of the Black’s, Slytherin’s, Snape's and Riddle’s families' crests on it. I also grab a black robe with green lace trim as an after thought and put my half jacket back up. “Well I am hopping in the shower. Go and get your clothes Draco.” I call from the closet as I head into the bathroom.
   I lock both bathroom doors just to make sure Draco doesn’t peep on me. I turn on the water and quickly strip out of my night clothes. Then I wrap my favorite green towel around me and I call for Dobby. He enters with a loud pop and bows deeply. 
   He whispers,“Mistress Violette, how may Dobby be of help?” 
I smile gently and say kindly,“Dobby how many times must I say call me Violette?” I continue without pause,“I think I need some earrings and a ring to go with my outfit would you please find me some? Thank you Dobby that will be all and when you’re done there is some pumpkin juice and chocolate scream cakes and some shriek berry muffins up in the attic above my room. You can eat until you’re full,” I finish. I smile when I see his huge smile and big wide eyes. 
    “Oh thank you mistr–er–miss Violette. Dobby will pick out the prettiest earrings and ring for you even though you are much prettiest without them.” He answers in his high pitched and squeaky voice. Then he left the room with a pop. He came back very quickly with a stunning pair of dangling earrings with emerald and onyx gems embedded into them and a silver snake ring with emeralds for its eyes. He  smiles broadly at his job well done. “You’re dismissed Dobby and don’t forget to go and eat.” Dobby nodded, bowed, and gleefully left with a pop. 
     I let the towel fall from my hands and slowly get in the shower while holding my long, black and curly hair up in one hand and testing the water with the other once more before I get in. The warm water hit my skin making me shiver slightly. 
     I just stand there letting the water cascade over me and caress me with its warmth. I start to remember the dream with the little boy. It’s so scary because I feel like I have seen him before but I just can’t remember. 
    I can’t wait until school starts I get to see father every day and I won’t have to see Lucius until winter break and even then I can leave early. I hope potions is as much fun as Father makes it when I have our special lessons together. 
    Draco gets mad about them because I spend all my time with Father during the holidays. Father has shown me all kinds of cool potions. In fact he just showed me how to make a killer love potion that I tweaked into a perfume. It works wonders because instead of causing obsessive attraction it causes people who have similar pheromones as mine to be attracted to me. 
   The banging on the door startled me so much I slipped and hit my head. I get up slowly steadying myself and rub my head tenderly. “Who is it?” I ask in a slightly high pitched voice.  “Violette you’re going to use up all the hot water,” Draco’s unmistakable voice whines childishly. “Sorry Drakey I am getting out now.”I say as I turn the water off. I wrap a towel around me and unlock my closet door. Then I walk over to the door and unlock it. “I am off to my room Drakey. See you downstairs,” I say as I walk through my closet shutting and locking the door behind me.
     In my room after I get dressed I walk over to the black vanity to do my makeup. My eyeshadow consists of green, silver, and black colors to make a dark smoky eye. I draw on a thick winged line with my liner marker. I then use a curler to curl my lashes while I apply mascara. I stare at my eyes with concentration until I get the perfect shade of emerald green in them to highlight the violet more. Then I focus on morphing my lashes to look full and evenly fanned out rimming my eyes perfectly. I slip on my emerald green dragon skin three inch heels and walk over to my floor length mirror that’s hanging on the back of my closet door. 
      My entire outfit looks splendid so I flip my head with my damp hair hanging down. I grab my charmed hairdryer and in a few seconds my hair is dry. Then I take all my hair and twist it while imagining that soft and silky curls where falling down. I look in the mirror again and see my shoulder length hair looking soft, silky, and smoothly curled. Then I focus on my hair color being a midnight sky black and I take my hands on both sides of my hair. As I move my hands down the color appears perfectly. I add a few green, blue, and purple highlights by running my finger down in lines in all different places. “Perfect,” I whisper to myself. 
    Then I grab my favorite emerald dragon skin purse. I open my door just as Auntie Narcissa is about to knock. “Oh you’re ready, well then we best be off to Diagon Alley.” She says and turns to walk down the staircase  that’s right next to my room. I hope down the stairs and just remembering I forgot my perfume and forgot to feed my snakes. “Dobby!” I call urgently. “Yes Miss Violette,” he says bowing deeply. “Can you grab my perfume for me? It’s the one in the green bottle and also can you feed my snakes? Everyone except Starsery gets one mouse, he gets two.” I say quickly. “Yes, Miss Violette as you wish.” He says as he bows again and leaves with a loud *Pop*. Before long he returns with my green bottle of perfume I dab some on my wrists, neck, and behind my ears before handing the bottle back to him. “Thank You Dobby!” I whisper to him before he leaves again. “We are going by floo powder so be careful.” Auntie ’Cissa says wearily. Each of us grabs a handful of floo powder. I feel at ease when the green flames envelope me. 
        In seconds I am in Diagon Alley and people look at me smiling and nodding their hellos. I walk straight to Madame Melkin’s  shop and when the door opens the little bells ring. “I will be with you in just a moment deary,” she says cheerfully from somewhere in the back of the shop. She comes up to the counter carrying an arm load of colourful fabrics. “Oh Violette darling I wasn’t expecting you for a few more hours,” She says as she begins sorting the fabrics into small piles. “Yes ma’am I got my letter yesterday day so I came with my aunt and cousin  for school supplies. I thought I might as well come here first. Are they in yet?” I ask excitedly. She smiles amusingly and says, “It just so happens that the shipment came in early. I was just about to owl you.” I squeal happily as she goes to the back again. After some rummaging around in the back she comes back with a box in tow. “Here they are. . . if you want you can try them on?” She smiles encouragingly. I take them to my favourite fitting room and pose for Madame Melkin. She smiles and claps encouragingly. “Thank you so much Madame Melkin. Here is what I owe you and a tip for your great service.” I say handing her a handful of galleons, sickles, and knuts. I leave and head straight for Olivander’s.
    When I walk in there is a boy standing at the counter. He turns his face and with his piercing green eyes he looks straight at me. I know from the memory of my dream this is Harry Potter. “Hello you’re Harry Potter right?” I say calmly to the Wizarding Worlds’ youngest most famous wizard. “Yes, um how exactly is it you know my name?” Harry says as he raises an eyebrow. “I am a witch of the Snape and Black family lines. However your name is quite famous in our world. I am a first year too kind of at least and I came to get my wand. Good luck with finding everything you need for school." I say as I go up to Olivander.
   Then I remember I forgot to say my name so I turn around and say, “By the way my name is Violette  Riddle-Black-Snape but my friends and family call me Vi. If you ever need any help this year or any time just ask.” I smile sweetly at the boy and he answers happily, “Thank You and maybe we can become friends this year.” Then someone calls his name and he leaves. 
   “Miss Riddle I remember when your Father and Mother came to get their first wands. I also could never forget your Grandfather. I would normally say would a  wand like his choose you but it seems the twin to his has already been claimed. Perhaps one more similar to your mother’s or father’s choose you or perhaps another wand choose you?” Olivander says curiously. “I am nothing like my grandfather I can assure you. I am sure a wand closer to my mother's will suffice.” I say as he grabs a few wands from different boxes. After many failed attempts and a couple broken vases and scratches later, Mr. Olivander sighs deeply. “Here child try this one,” he says as he hands me a delicately embellished wand. It is made a silvery type of wood with intricate designs of Celtic swirls along its length and what looks like a few dragon scales embedded in the hilt. “This wand is made of silver birch with sirens hair and dragon's wing as its core and, it is 7 and 1/2 inches.” He says as I admire it closely.
     I gingerly take the wand and examine the amazing craftsmanship. Then the wand starts hissing and singing and blue, green, and purple sparks started shooting out the end. I look at Olivander and say, “Has a wand ever done this before?” Olivander shakes his head and answers, “No this has been quite a curious day, first with Mister Potter and now with you Miss Riddle. I believe this is your wand but since it has a different and quite rare core than the common wand cores so I am warning that care for this particular wand is a great deal. I hope you use this wand for great things Miss Riddle because even your Grandfather did great things though terrible they were.” He rings me up just as Draco and his mum comes in. 
    “Vi did you already get your wand but you promised we would get ours together,” Draco whines childishly. “Draco . . . first getting a wand is a private matter and second whining like a small brattish child doesn’t suite you.” I say taking my wand from Olivander and giving him a few galleons to pay for the wand. “I will wait outside for you Draco.” I say and smile devilishly. I walk out the door and wait patiently for Draco.
    Draco smiles as he exits Olivander’s shop holding his wand triumphantly in his wand hand. “It took you long enough, common I need to get a pet and I still need to get my potion ingredients, cauldron and a broom.” I say as I pull Draco along towards a pet shop. Auntie Narcissa tells us to meet her at Grimmick’s Coffee Shop for lunch because she had to run a few errands separately from us.
       We go into Sphinx’s Owlery  and Exotic Pet Shop and I immediately pull Draco to the snakes. “You are going to get another snake?” he asks wearily eyeing at a male python in a glass cage that’s staring at us curiously. “Yes it will just be a small green snake and I'm getting a phoenix for my choice of bird. What do you plan on getting Drakie?” I say and he grimaces at his childhood nickname. “A raven and promise not to call me that while we are at school.” He says as he cringes from the python that’s staring at him. “I promise,” I say. 
     Then I turn to the python and say, “Please stop looking like you’re going to attack Draco he is quite freaked out by you my legless brother.” “As you wish my legged sister but might I ask are you two mates because your scents are all over each other,” he hisses with his forked tongue flicking out and smells the air. “EW gross no we are like siblings plus I highly doubt he thinks of me in that way,” I say as I stick my tongue out at the laughing python. “Whatever you say my legged sister, oh and there is a lovely smooth snake over by the bright yellow corn snake.” He hisses and nods in the direction of the snake. “Thank you,” I say as I grab Draco’s hand and walk deeper in the snake pit like area.
      On the left side of the corn snake’s tank was a bright lime green smooth snake. “Hey what did you say to that python?” He asks as he hides behind me from the snakes. “You didn’t hear me?” I ask as I go to the counter to get some assistance. Draco stiffens before he leans into my ear and whispers harshly, “We will finish this after you talk to him.”
      A young metamorphamagus with electric green hair and a lot of tattoos smiles at me from behind the counter. “I want the smooth green snake and do you have any phoenixes in stalk by any chance?” I say sweetly and give my best flirty smile. “One minute I will go ask my boss and you can take her out of the cage if you like and get familiar with her,” He says in a thick Irish accent and rakes his hand through his hair. “Thank you so very much um . . .,” I say and look for a name tag but he isn't wearing one that I can see. “Oh it's Oliver Wood but you my lady can call me Oliver,” he says and flashes a huge smile while leaning over the counter to get closer to me. “Why thank you Oliver,” I say with a flirtatious smirk.
     Oliver leaves and Draco says in a rush, “No, I heard you but you were speaking parsel tongue. You know I can’t understand you entirely when you do that.” He says and I walk over to my snake’s cage and open it. She slithers up my arm quickly and wraps herself around it gently. “I told the python to stop looking like it was gonna attack you. Then he told me about Sarasphine and we parted our ways,” I say and look at Sarasphine who nods her head at the name in approval. “Okay but why did it look like he was laughing at you?” Draco says as he eyes Sarasphine closely. He leans down to pet her and she flicks her tongue out with approval. 
   “He asked me something and was laughing at my answer. Draco she won't bite you, would you like to hold her?” I ask sweetly as I pick her up and move her to Draco's hands. He stiffens in response but smiles when she slithers up his arm and licks the side of his face. “He tastes of you mistress,” she hisses sweetly. “He is a special person to me Sarasphine so, do you mind looking after him as well as me?” I ask kindly to the snake. Her eyes widen softly and she hisses, “It’s true what the old geezer has been hissing about, you are a legged sister. My loyalty lies with you and only you but if you wish for me to protect your mate as well I will do so.” I hiss back, “Yes I wish this but he isn't my mate. We happen to be cousins but he doesn't know that yet.” She laughs at this but moves to a more protective spot. She now rests on his shoulder.
    Oliver comes back with a small bird in his hands. Instead of the normal fiery orange, red, and yellow feathers and plumage most phoenixes have, his are purple, blue and green. “This is the last one but it’s quite unique since its feathers consist of purple, blue and green its flames are also purple, blue, and green when he flies off.” Oliver says smiling at me and glancing at Draco and Sarasphine. “Have you named her already?” he asks. “An animal is already born with their name but since most do not speak their language many rename them by their personalities. Her name is Sarasphine and she quite likes her name.” I say smirking at his astonishment. “You can speak to animals?” he asks. “Well I believe all people have to ability to talk with animals if they try. Her birth name is quite hard to put into our words so, Sarasphine is the closest I can get.” I say. I go to grab my phoenix gently and smile when he hops right into my hand. “Now for your name little one I think I’ll call you Sphinnyxfire,” I say to the small bird and he bows his head.
      “Okay I am ready to ring up. Also we need one small yellow-napped snake and a raven on a separate ring up.” I say as I pull out my wallet from my dragon skin purse. Draco stammers, “N-noo just the raven is fine.” I shake my head in protest and say, “A true Slytherin needs a snake plus a raven isn't on the list. I will pay for the snake myself and teach you some tricks so you can train him.” I smile as I walk over and pick up the small snake. “Thank you young mistress,” the snake hisses. I nod you are welcome to the small serpent and place him on Draco's other shoulder.
     “Well for you miss your ring up is 50 galleons,15 sickles, and 5 knuts. And your friend’s here rings up 25 gallons and 10 sickles,” Oliver says smiling at me. “Are you going to Hogwarts?” he asks attentively as I hand him the money. “Yes, I am technically transferring in as a third year but for the sorting ceremony I am considered a first year still. My health was really bad and I couldn't attend school so, my father homeschooled me. He is a professor at Hogwarts so, he got permission from Dumbledore for home lessons and for my transfer when my health was better.” I explain quickly. 
    “Well I hope to see you around. I can guess from that tie around your neck Slytherin is the house you want. I am a Gryffindor myself.” He says smiling weakly as he points to my tie. “Actually the house I want is Ravenclaw but all of my family except one of my cousins and my mum were Slytherins. My cousin who wasn’t in Slytherin was put in Gryffindor.My mum was a Ravenclaw!!!” I say smiling gently. Draco clears his throat and glares at Oliver. “Why are you so interested in Violette?” he sneers. Oliver looks at Draco sternly and replies, “She’s cute and I happen to like cute girls.” He shrugs and then continues,“If she would like to I would love to go to the Three BroomSticks in Hogsmeade and have a butterbeer sometime, but this wasn’t how I planned on asking.” I giggle because he is kind of cute. Draco is shaking with rage at this and I know he is about to explode. Merlin sometimes my cousin seriously gets on my nerves. “Draco go ahead and meet your mum at the café. I will be there in a minute.” I say without looking at him. He reluctantly leaves with his bird and snake. I smile at Oliver, “I would love to go to Hogsmeade sometime with you. Will that offer still stand if I am a Slytherin?” I ask tentatively with my eyes down cast. “Of course I don’t just ask a girl to get a few butterbeers and skip out because she’s in Slytherin even if Gryffindor is way better.” He teases jokingly. I smile and nod then say,“Okay it’s a date then and maybe we can talk about Qudditch too.” I notice his built is that of a player and think he’s probably a beater or keeper. I grab my things and leave without another word.
     I walk over to the café and pull my aunt aside,“Look I get you have a guilty conscience or whatever but Draco needs to know we are cousins and could never be a couple. For Merlin sakes your his MUM get a grip on him or I’ll tell him who I really am!!! Got it?!” I whisper harshly at her. She pales and starts to shake because I am using my full voice that I inherited from Voldemort. “I will tell him soon he is still too young to be involved in this mess.” She says while waving her hand dramatically in the air around us. “I will give you until the end of summer break this year and that’s all. I was invited on a date and your son acted more like a possessive boyfriend than a protective brother. I need space from him as well. I am trying to be patient but he is starting to annoy me ‘Cissa.” I say sternly. 
   We sit down at a table that’s secluded from most people. “Will my father and Lucius be joining us today?” I ask more concerned about my father than Lucius. I am hoping we can talk before school starts up. “Yes they should be here shortly,”Narcissa says coldly. My father magically appears at her words smiling and says, “Why the long face Narcissa if you keep that up you’ll get wrinkles sooner.” “Severus that isn’t funny at all!” she shrieks and hits him on the arm playfully. “Hey dad and to answer your question she’s a bit pissed about the deadline I set up. I want to read over 100 magical herb and potions books by the end of the school year. I have been working on that potion you taught me last week.” I say excitedly. I also think in my head “I told her she has to tell Draco by next summer or I will tell him myself!” I have been training in Occlumancy as well. “Ah I see you have been practicing. I love you sweetheart but I will be telling Draco at lunch. I am ready for him to finally understand why I spend all summer with you.” He thinks back to me.
      “Draco do you remember my last talk with you about your manners toward Violette?” My dad asks quizzically. “Yes Uncle Sev you said to be nice to her because she is someone special to you.” Draco answers blushing bright red. “Well she is my daughter and your cousin. I think since you are now old enough to go to school then you should understand that you and my daughter will never be anything more than friends close enough to be mistaken as siblings. My little girl is not so little any more and I don’t want her to start looking at guys in any special way. She should focus on her studies but I know that can be hard as she gets older. Please keep an eye on her and don’t let anyone take advantage of her.” My father says as he winks at me. 
   Aunt ‘Cissa turns red with anger and starts shaking, “How dare you Severus !!!! how dare you drag my boy into this!!!!! He is still too young to understand this!!! You brat Violette after everything we have done for you!!!!!” She screams. Thank Merlin we are in a private room and I thought to put a silencing charm on the door. This is exactly when Lucius comes from the shadows. “Violette you look more and more like your mother every day.” he whispers in my ear. I shiver and mentally shout for my father’s help. “Oh Lucius please explain to your wife that your boy here needs to know about his cousin rather now before he goes to school or he begins to develop irreversible feelings toward her.” My father brings Lucius’s prescience to light. ‘Cissa then looks to her husband surprisingly. “Honey when did you get here I didn’t hear you come in?” she asks. 
      Lucius fingers brush lightly against my butt so lightly that if I wasn’t expecting it I would not have noticed. “ Violette’s lovely silencing charm works very well darling don’t you think?” he asks smirking at me. I focus on his hair spontaneously bursting into flames. “ Oh . . . do you agree with with me that Severus handled this situation poorly?” she asks. “No we both agreed it was time the boy knew. He needs to find someone more in his reach than Violette. She was never going to be his and it’s best to brake it to him now before he does something idiotic like sleep with her or fall in love with her.” He says as he rests his hand on my lower back with his fingers being too low for comfort.
      “Why Lucius she would be lucky to have our son as her suitor.” she sneers. I can’t take it any more I yell, “ Lucius Malfoy get your hands off me now!!!! Aunt ‘Cissa your precious little boy still sleeps in my bed!!!! I am too old to play a long any more!!! Draco I am your cousin okay and my grandfather is The Dark Lord!!!! I am his granddaughter and your mum’s sister was my mum!!!!! I can not be anything more to you than a cousin, an almost sister, and friend!!!” I leave without another word. My father reaches out to my mind put I push him out. He didn’t teach it to me I simply just always knew how.
     I walk to the Apothecary to grab some potions ingredients. I grab everything I have run out of at home and some new stuff as well. I want to start making advance potions and hopefully tinker around with a few of my own special potions. I go to Gringgot’s to grab some more money, the gift from grandfather and my mum’s gift for me. I also got my books and my broom!!! My broom is a Nimbus 2000!!! I enchant it quickly to look like an old Silver Stream. Then I go to meet Oliver at Sphinx’s Owlery and Exotic Pet Shop. “Oliver are you getting off anytime soon?” I ask as I walk up to the counter. “Yeah my shift ends in just a few minutes. . . why?” He answers. “I got a new broom and was wondering if you might want to go brake it in with me?” I ask with a half smile. “Sure I would love to!” he says excitedly. We run off to a little field area and I pull out my broom. “What kind of broom did you get?”Oliver asks. “I got a Nimbus 2000.” I say. “No way where is it?” He asks. “Terrific my cloaking charm works!”I squeal excitedly. I


  • S.R.Violette Roy

    S.R.Violette Roy

    Thank You @Jared DeMoss

    May 10, 2017

  • Emily Dokie

    Emily Dokie

    you write so beautifully, and im now obsessed

    May 10, 2017

  • Emily Dokie

    Emily Dokie

    you write so beautifully and im now obsessed! 😝

    May 10, 2017

  • S.R.Violette Roy

    S.R.Violette Roy

    @Emily Dokie Thank You

    May 10, 2017

  • S.R.Violette Roy

    S.R.Violette Roy

    I really appreciate your comments

    May 10, 2017

  • S.R.Violette Roy

    S.R.Violette Roy

    I am glad you like my story

    May 10, 2017

  • Jared DeMoss

    Jared DeMoss

    This is really great writing

    May 10, 2017

  • Erica D

    Erica D

    great job! really this

    May 10, 2017

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