Life So Far Read Count : 104

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
*Juliet sitting with her legs crossed over each other, a pillow in her lap and a computer resting on top of it.*

"Hey guys! Welcome back! Sorry for there not being a chapter today."

*She has her hair up in a ponytail and she keeps looking at a piece of paper beside her then back at her computer. She types for a second then looks back at the paper.*

"Life is good so far I guess...I have friends I can talk to about my problems. I have stuffed animals to hug when I'm sad. And I have a pillow to punch if I'm angry." 

*A piece of hair falls in her face and she pushes it away then goes back to looking at the paper. Computer typing. Paper. Computer.*

"I've been talking to someone new lately, its actually, Rays best friend. Bryan. He was there when Ray said he would stick up for me. Bryan agreed that he would also."

*Paper. Computer. Paper.Computer*

"Um, Me and Ryan got in a fight."

*She looks up at you*

"A verbal fight. Another kid was there fighting also. His name is Dakota."

*She goes back to typing*

"It was about me and my personality. And other people not caring when I say things that are depressing."

*Sighing loudly, Jewels Pushes her glasses up on her nose.*

"He apologized for it this morning. Well, Ryan apologized, and then said Dakota was sorry too. So I suppose that counts?"

*Paper. Computer. Paper. Computer,*

"Anyway, Thanks again soooo much for your feedback on my writings and I hope to upload the next chapter tomorrow. Love you guys."

*Jewels continues typing with one hand while she blows an air kiss with the other."


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