Magi The Labrinth Of Magic Read Count : 104

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Crash went the wheels on the 
wagon filled with apples watermelon and grape's ahh went 21-year-old allibaba as he saw a little boy in the cart eating a big plump juicy watermelon. Alibaba was in raged until he found out that the boy was homeless and starving so he said the boy can live with him  lived with him the boythen theybegin talkin Alibaba told him stories about a dungeon and how he had to capture it and get a lot of money and get a power to become came and changed the town the world his country and make his own country over time the little boy told him his name was Aladdin he had til hair bandages around his chest and white old fashioned y
Edo pants and a blue jacket I'll Baba I'm under on the other hand had yellow hair green and red shirt and the Long Jacket that that spread into pants he also had one red earring and a immobilize snake around his neck he looks very very very frightening to Aladdin Aladdin he let me stay with him and fed me so he wouldn't be that mean the next day Aladdin Alibaba plan to go to the dungeon and try to capture it so they began walking to the dungeon the dungeon was called Amo they walked a total of 27 miles then as they were walking a lot of made a mistake and made a red-haired girl trip then she noticed something about her feet she had Shackles on and she noticed and he noticed that she was a slave carrying Lemons with a basket upside her head Aladdin Alibaba began talking Aladdin X Alibaba why are people born slave sometime it's unfair other people give to live their life but girls and boys like this one have to like sell their life for other people and if they die they don't care one thing about Aladdin that I was Barbara didn't care to notice was that he had a golden flute hanging around his neck Aladdin grabbed his food and blew into it with a quick blow into big blue arms came out of came flying out out of the flute and then broke the shackles on the girl but then the slave master came why why why don't you know how much money it cost to get these shackles rebuilt Alibaba quickly took Aladdin by the hand and ran to Emon


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