Don't Force Your Beliefs On Me Or My Kid Read Count : 187

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Sub Category : Miscellaneous
About to go on a little rant here.  If you are super religious and feel the need to shove that down the throats of everyone you come into contact with,  I would suggest not reading any further. 

With that out of the way,  let me start by telling you I'm the mother of 2 very smart, very free-spirited children. My children are raised to think for themselves, question things appropriately, be nice, and respect others and their beliefs. Unfortunately,  the same cannot be said about a lot of people. 

The other day,  my daughter went to the playground in our neighborhood. While at the playground, a couple kids started talking to my daughter.  They started asking her if she believed in God and proceeded to tell her that if she didn't, she couldn't play on the playground.  

My daughter tried not to engage with them,  but they continued to push.  She tried to tell them she doesn't talk about things like that outside of her family.  Because of all the nutjobs in this world,  we have impressed upon her the importance of not engaging in discussions about religion or politics outside of our house (yes,  my 10 year old is interested in politics). They would not stop harassing her and finally she told them that no,  she does not believe in God. 

Many of you may find this abhorrent. We are not a religious family and have repeatedly told her that she can make her own decisions regarding religion in her life. Our main concern is that we treat others well, regardless their background,  race,  religion,  sexuality, etc.

Based on their treatment of my daughter in response to her answer about God, these kids at the playground have been tainted by religion and their parents.  These kids tried to block my daughter from playing and then,  when that wasn't enough,  they started throwing stuff at her. 

Are you fucking kidding me?!? This type of behavior is why I have so many issues with organized religion.  A religion that supposedly teaches to love thy neighbor, and these indoctrinated brats are throwing stuff at my kid?

Don't preach about your God-granted superiority when you're acting like an asshole.  I don't give a damn how old they were.  If this is how these kids are going to act now,  imagine them as adults.  Their going to be bigger assholes trying to shove their beliefs down others' throats. 

I was livid when I found out about this. I know many kind, loving religious people who don't care that I don't pray to their God, nor do they care.  They accept me as I am.  These are the religious people that I will defend with my dying breath. But when you practice a religion of intolerance, and teach your children to do the same,  I have no use for you or your religion. 


  • Well said!

    Jan 20, 2018

  • I wholeheartedly agree with you. For a child (in my personal experience) having others, especially family, forcing their own religious beliefs on them can be mentally and emotionally debilitating.

    Jan 28, 2018

  • Absolutely!

    Feb 28, 2018

  • true! preach it

    Mar 10, 2018

  • from me ill say its just wow because i know there are kids and adults like that but throwing things on people who dont believe in god ( i believe in god but ill never ever treat someone like that) i have a friend who's mom doesn't believe in the same god( i think) as i do and we never did any of that any way how is ur little girl it must be hard for her

    Mar 17, 2018

  • yesss!

    Apr 23, 2018

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    I’m with you- beliefs are sacred and reenforcing them and defending you kids is part of what parenthood is all about. I’ve never seen you but your beautiful to me.But please stop writing those recipes-I’ve already gained 5 lbs./Great Stuff 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

    Dec 04, 2018

  • U are correct religion should never be pushed on anyone they have the right to pick what they believe

    Aug 20, 2019

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