The Zombie Apocalypse (part 2) Read Count : 112

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
"Guys? If this is a joke it's a crapy one. I got you pizza and now your hiding from me?" I call out to nothingness. I start to worry, they would never leave me alone. at the very begining of the apocalypse, we all promised each other that if we went anywhere alone then we all have to know where their going. I call again, and sugar walks out of the base looking tired. I grab the cat and start walking through the empty streets looking for them while the worst things that could happen to them cross my mind. I keep going, when suddenly I hear a muffled yell. I run towards the sound hoping that it's not one of my freinds.  I make a sharp turn into the alleyway the sound came from, and am meet with the unbearably stench of zombies. Knife ready in hand I run at them slicing and stabing as I go.
 Once their all dead I stop for a moment. "Please don't kill me" I hear someone say, and my heart stops that wasn't one of my freinds... does that mean there are more humans alive besides me and my freinds? I walk towards the voice and see a small girl so skinny you can see her ribs through her clothes. My sister's, Izzy and Abby come to my mind and tears well up in my eyes. "Hello, who are you?" I say quietly to the girl. The girl turns and looks at my fear flashing in her eyes. She stands and I realize she's about my age, maybe a year or so younger. "M-my names julia" she says quietly. My eyes widen as I recognize the name and the voice. "Juila! Is that really you? It's me Emily!" I say to her not believing my eyes. "Emily is that really you!?" She says. I give her a hug the whisper with tears in my eyes "I thought you died". She starts crying and says " I thought YOU died!". I let go then ask "how did you get here?! You live all the way in Michigan!". "Well, me, jj and grandma were coming here as a surprise, when... the apocalypse started. He I and grandma, they didn't make it...". She says starting to cry again. "No one in my family made it but me". I say and we both start to cry. "Most of my freinds made it we've been living around here for awhile." I say trying to lighten the mood. "They disappeared this morning but I bet the just went out for some supplies" I say hopefully. She nods and we start to walk back to the base.
 When suddenly a car zooms by us. "A car!?" I say confused. Most of the car we'd seen either had no gas or was to broken to drive. It drives towards our base and we run after it. We arrive at the base and the car is already parked near it. We walk to the door of the base and open it. Everybody is back and inside siting on the beds as if nothing happened. " Where were you!" I say getting a bit angry. "We went out and found that car." Bryan said. "We though you would sleep longer." Thomas say apologetically. "Who's that?" Ansiley asks. " This is my cousin! Julia meet my friends, my freinds meet julia." I say. " hi." Julia says a bit shly. My friends say hi back and me and Julia sit down one of the beds. I put my cat down and lay down on the bed. Julia looks around the room, her eyes land on the weapons and her eyes widen. "You guys have wepons?" She asks. I get up, and walk over to them. " yup." I say picking up one of my knifes. "Can I have one?!" She says hopefully giving me a cute puppy dog face. Dismay spreads across my face and I look at my friends for help, but they look back with the same faces as me. We all know the problem. We got the weapons from Ansiley's karate class. After that we went farther into the city. If we were to go get more weapons it would take a couple days and we would have to leave the base, which makes us venerable to zombies. I hand her a knife "you can use this for now." I say hoping she doesn't ask for something better. She grabs the knife and examines it for a second. " ok" she replied. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, glad that we didn't have to make the journey to the the karate place. I open the door and look outside. It's night out, I close the door and turn to everyone "it's night, time for bed" I state. (Go to part three)


  • Emily  Sly

    Emily Sly

    coming out with part three soon!

    Jan 19, 2018

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