Let It Be Written Read Count : 186

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle
"Let It Be Written" is the tagline that Jared had created for this app. "Writer's Outlet" is what he had chosen to name this app. Looking at the name he chose and the tagline he picked, have you ever asked yourself what his intentions are behind those words? Did you try to understand his objective?

When I stumbled upon this app almost a month ago, and after reading the brief description of the app before installing it, my understanding of "Writer's Outlet" is simply a channel or a platform for writers; established and rookies to share their works in the form of writing. I believe his intention was to create a safe haven for a community that shares one common interest - writing. A place where we are all free to tell our stories, express ourselves, and let our voices be heard without having to worry about being ridiculed or judged. A place where we can truly be appreciated for our passion and love of writing. A place where we all get each other.

Jared had put a lot of thought into this when he created this app. He presented us with a lot of options to choose how and where we want to share our story and express ourselves creatively. Not only that, he also created a library to store every piece of writing that is written in this app. So if you think your writing is not noticed just because you are not getting any comments or ratings, think again. I spend hours going through the library daily and this is evident through the comments and ratings I have dropped. So yes, I do notice you. And I do hear your voice in your expressions and your stories. And I do appreciate and respect the work you have put into your writing.

This is a universal platform. The community is built out of people from all over the world from different walks of life, different race and religion, different cultures, different social standings, and different view points. We are all different and unique in our own special way. We don't all look the same, we don't all eat the same type of food or wear the same style of clothes but we do have one common ground and that is writing. Don't you think that is enough for us to come together and unite and be supportive of each other's craft?

I have seen comments like "this sucks" and "not interested" dropped on some of the pieces. Is that necessary? It is true that not everyone can relate to every piece of writing and some can only understand to the level of their own understanding but come on people, be kind! Everyone has their own story to tell, their own voice to be heard, and their own style of expressing themselves. Listen to their story, hear what they are saying and understand what is really being said. Don't be so quick to pass judgment coz trust me, if the tables are turned and you are the one at the receiving end, you will then know how much it sucks when others think your story, your voice and your expression sucks.

In conclusion, let's help Jared make this outlet as the place he had intended it to be - a safe haven for this growing community. Keep the peace and spread the love.


  • love it!!!!

    Jan 19, 2018

  • Thank you Zee. This is an accurate portrayal of my vision for Writer's Outlet and extremely well written.

    Jan 19, 2018

  • I have only been a part of this community for a couple of days now but I love it so much. I am so happy to have stumbled upon it.

    Jan 19, 2018

  • bill Grams-Byrne

    Bill Grams-Byrne

    well said.

    Jan 23, 2018

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