The Saddest Puppy Read Count : 100

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : History
In New York, one lousy night the Puppy named Puppy was wandering the streets searching for scraps and liquids, which meant he needed his Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
 He always went looking at night, because (A) Hey had given the people enough time to litter, (B) There were less cars and (C) No other people were searching for meals! 
He was very sad, because he needed a cosy home right this very millisecond. 
Also with the best owner in the whole world, because I think I told you this Puppy was very poor. 
He had no parents because the both got ran over by a car about 4 months ago.
 Three nights ago, a boy told him to fetch a fairly big piece of lasagne.
 Puppy was so glad, he gave the boy a lick.
 Occasionally the boy did that. 
He loved the licks he got every time.
Soon a lady which Puppy thought was the boys Mother came around. 
She adored the dog.
Soon the dog often followed them home and went to sleep outside their door. 
He got his 3 meals and occasionally a snack.
They soon fell in love with Puppy and adopted him.
Now, I think you knew the Puppy was not house-trained.
So he always did his business in awkward spots.
He soon became house-trained.
He also learnt cool tricks, he learnt this owners names which were Tom, the boy, Stephanie, the Mum and Gregory, the outgoing dad.
 Most importantly, he was not homeless and he had the best owners.
 They even adopted a older girl and another older boy which fell in love and treated  Manny, which Tom had called Puppy, so so dearly. 
He adored the place he was living in as dearly as his Puppy parents, Charlie and Rosanna. The best Thing was that Charlie and Rosanna called Manny his Maiden name, Puppy! 

The End

This was a story about me and my Puppy which is called Teddy. I found him buy I AM NOT A BOY! Yes my dad is too outgoing 


  • Victoria  Darby

    Victoria Darby

    Thank you @Emily S!

    Jan 20, 2018

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