Read Count : 142
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
You hear the echoes. Distant and near. They ring out constantly. Secrets and ideas. Stories and experiences. But are they real? You question the echoes. They soothe you. Embrace you. Comfort you. They swallow you with praise. They are your family. The family has black sheep though. Paranoia is most often in your ear. Testing the trust you have in your friends and loved ones. Pulling the strings of your stress. Gnawing at you. The fight is rough. Paranoia is hard to quell. She is not alone. Anger boils below the surface. Rage that calls to you. Aches to destroy. Hungers. It claws at the walls you build. Not dulled by the passage of time. Always growling always hating. It's not you. Psychosis. A rare one. Gracing the minds of only a few. It aches like anger, but methodically. It's logical. Won't make you embrace the ideas it gives. But the ideas are plentiful. Distracting. Depression calls you into its shadow. Without warning it can engulf you. Then let you go. You wash in an out of it like a fragile boat in the storms of a vast sea. There is light though. That crazy mania. You're happy full of energy. You feel great. But you're jittery can't always expel the energy you have. Frustration ensues. It eats at you unless you expend this powerhouse of happy. All these things come and go. They whisper and yell. Angels and demons. The twitches hurt. The stress wears you down. But you keep going. You keep fighting. Aiming for a solution. That hope drives the struggle. You know how to juggle the thoughts by now without falling to pieces every time. You got this. You just need help sometimes. Till the hallucinations set it. They start small. Shadows. Voices outside your head when no one's there. Feeling like you're watched. Then the shadows get closer. More defined. Hallucinations come in different forms though. Not everyone is the same of course. Reality is just not the same to us. It won't ever be. Even with the medications that can make you feel like a zombie. Or cloud your mind. But they can also provide moments of clarity. Everything feels so sharp and new. Which can also disorient you. It's like a while other world. Your mind swirls. You can make it though. The voices will always whisper. "We love you."
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