Our View Of Everything Is Such A Mess Read Count : 135

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Our view of everything is such a mess. 
Having less than what we deserve is our perception of happiness. 

All the long days, all the dark nights battling the demons inside convincing me I only lack. I was weak, believing I was broken when I was only bent, slightly cracked. 

There will always be long days, there will always be dark nights. I’m nothing close to perfection knowing this internal confrontation is the only thing blocking my sight. 

I’m not speaking to be heard. 
I’m not speaking to change the world. 
I’m speaking for those focused on what they crave to search. 

Don’t be the one on the sideline following societies guidelines. Take those risks and sore to those skylines. 
I know you have those demons taunting you in your mind but please focus on mine this time. 

I can’t change your world, I haven’t seen what you’ve seen. Was it a boy? Was it a girl? Maybe just family? Whatever it was I will say first hand I did the same thing blaming it all on me. 

Listen closely, please. 
I know the demons are loud but I need you to hear my voice. Don’t let them win so easily, please grasp on to my words even if they are faintly muffled. 

Scream and yell. 
Do whatever it takes to make those walls crumble down that you’ve built holding in these demons in. Whispering in your ear to cause nothing but sin. 

It’s okay if you fell, ask anyone else I bet they will just mumble and clown saying that they are living the dream. 

They are just responding for those demons whispering in tongues having them play charades. Yup, we all are playing the same game. 

I’m a mess, we all are. 
Hidden in that dark place that just seems all too far to get out of. 
I was there and I am still climbing; I’m still fighting. 

Life is a mess but we all deserve happiness. We must realize that is the conquest in this life to take it as a whole. 
Take life with all its simplicity and complexities. 

I may not change the world but I want to be that voice to change even just an individuals view of the world. 
I want to be that voice rooting for those fighting their demons. I still fight mine, I always will. 

The only difference is that I am my demons, human beings are the demons in disguise. I am finally realizing the winner is not the demon, it is I. It is you not them. 

Trust your strength because quite frankly that’s what I was missing. We deserve more and a lot of us don’t allow ourself out of our safe zone and happiness is a road filled obstacles and can be such a mess. 

No one tells you how to feel, it’s you who needs to keep it real with you. Help is worthless if you don’t allow yourself to help yourself. 

Listen to that voice in the back of your head, the one faintly whispering all you need to know instead of drowning in synthetic thoughts created by society or whomever. 

This is your life so listen to your voice. 

Victor E Herrera Jr



  • Love your insight. Great writing!

    Jan 30, 2018

  • awesome

    Jan 30, 2018

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