Confessions Of A Forbidden Love Part 3
Read Count : 52
Category : Adult
Sub Category : Adult Romance
Chapter 20 desperate time desperate fight sniper vs. sniper. I take a serious look at what Babyface Ben is talking about how no one, could get to Cisco even if they tried they would be shot as the sniper shooting around Cisco every 10 seconds the way the sniper was shooting told me he had some sort of ex military training unfortunately for him so did I an unfortunate for him I had three and a half years of sniper training all I had to do was make it to the truck. But without knowing with sniper was shooting from I might as well paint a Target, on my back I slightly pink my head over the hood of the car and can see the glare of scope as I quickly pull my head back down I looked at the truck and take an educated guess how far it is the truck was about a good 3 or 4 meters give or take and there were only three things between me and the truck a tree that was just good enough to hide behind a small brick wall just good enough to duck behind. And finally I could see a boulder just on the left back side of the truck, I knew that there was no way I could outrun a bullet and even if I tried to get up Babyface Ben would have pulled me right back down but then I thought about the tree the wall and the boulder I could use those three things for cover I look at Ben and say " Ben you're going to have to forgive me bro." Babyface been replies " what for?" I punch him in the face knocking him down to the ground then making a run for the tree. I make it behind the tree just as the sniper fires and hits the side of the tree, I can feel the snipers bloodless as he aimed at the tree but then I hear Ben yell " boys let's lay down some cover fire!" Then the sound of machine gun fire fills the air I could hear the sound of the sniper returning fire I knew this was my big chance as I Mad Dash it for the truck diving in the back of the truck I have the sniper bullet skin the back of the truck just barely missing me as I lay in the back of the truck breathing hard. I look and see the sniper rifle I never even with the sniper rifle that I couldn't, pick my head up even with the cover fire but I also knew that if I didn't do something soon that's Tiger Woods start taking his aggression back out on Cisco I found a small mirror to use to see where the sniper was aiming at as I figured he was aiming directly at the truck then as I pull the mirror back down I noticed 5 smoke grenades. Then I start feeling a slight breeze the wind was blowing in the direction, of the sniper I quickly look around can I see 5 smoke grenades and then I remembered the boulder that's when I came up on my plan of attack I first throughout the smoker grenades one of them land right by the boulder one land and it by the tree I threw another close to the car and the last one I simply dropped right outside the truck I knew the smoke grenades wouldn't block of Stampy's view all the way but it would give me enough coverage to make it to the boulder. The wind picks up Blowin Smoke High I made a Mad Dash to the boulder, driving behind it once again barely escaping the sniper as I sat behind the Boulder and wait for the smoke to clear I knew I would only have one chance I had to make my shot headshot otherwise the sniper would return fire and I would be dead I carefully taking using the boulder itself as my Leverage for the sniper as the smoke starts to clear I got the sniper in my crosshairs fired hitting him right between the eyes it was a clean kill. We had one today Cisco was safe but still Babyface lost so many of his men, the lake Browns once beautiful now filled with Corpses and become a bloodbath with both sides heavy casualties I threw up it wasn't the sight of blood that made me sick to my stomach no it was the fact that I actually had to kill someone with my own hands in order to protect the ones I love is what made me sick to my stomach. It was a horrible feeling as a rush Cisco to the hospital I knew it was self-defense but still, killing someone what's the last thing I wanted to do if only there was another way I called my father and let him know what happened that he should avoid the lake Babyface and his men go back to Lake and take care of all the dead Corpses come to find out one of the bodies was still very much alive the man it was living was from the other gang and after what happened to Cisco Babyface Ben was the one who did the interrogation come to find out Babyface Ben. Got plenty of information I don't know what he did to get the information, but it turns out the man was from the cartel and had been given orders by their higher ups to go with a man named David and do whatever he says after hearing that I should have known that son of a bitch David was behind the attack and became so angry that I end up punching a hole through the wall then Babyface Ben told me more news. David wasn't in any of the vehicles apparently once he got up to the lake, he had the vehicle stopped so he could get out after getting out of vehicle he called in the chopper after hanging up the phone I go to the living room and tell the women.