"Her" Curse
Read Count : 95
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
Each word rattled through my mind as I read it. Every letter crawled off the page and creeped its way into the microscopic spaces between the cells of my skin. I could almost feel them burrowing their way into my right arm. Moving around right below the surface. Something wasn't right. Something felt... off. But I had to keep going. I wanted to keep reading. The page pulled me in, grasping me so tightly with its elusive text. Impossible to know what was happening, but needing to understand. Yearning to know. As I continued reading I felt something. Not physically. Not emotionally. No...something else. Eyes. I felt eyes. Gazing over my shoulder. Fixed on the same page I was reading. Someone was reading with me. It was "Her". But who was "Her"? Who was she? A ghost? A witch? The page went on to describe "Her". "Her" teeth rotted yellow and jagged. "Her skin like a pale clay. "Her" hair black as oil. "Her" face skeletal. "Her" eyes hollow. The words explained how she read "Her" story along with "Her" victims. Hovering over their shoulder... over my shoulder. Close enough to feel the tiny hairs on their skin brush gently against "Her" face. I could feel it. "Her". As every word I read brought more of a crooked, evil smile to "Her" face. And if I thought deep on it, I could feel her long, black fingernail gently glide across the back of my neck. Slowly from one side to the other. Toying with me as I fixatedly read more. The page went on, "Whosoever finishes "Her" story"... Did I dare? It was just a story. Just words on a page. What could it really do? Then again, what if it could? But I needed it. I needed to know. I needed the end. The Comfort. The relief of knowing it was not left incomplete. I read on. "Whosoever finishes "Her" story shall be cursed to die within a month. For a second I may have felt it. The curse entering me from the back of my neck. As "Her"nail poked slightly through my skin and poured a thin stream of the curse. Flowing icy through my neck. Slowly down my throat. Sliding down my chest. Resting in a cold pool in my heart. I thought, "Please don't be real." I shouldn't have. I should have stopped. I should never have downloaded this app. I should not have read: "Her" Curse.