Loss Sight Read Count : 141

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Thriller
 Franklin had thought he could handle being a single father. He swore to give his life raising the daughter Janet had gave her life to bring to this world. Diane was his special gift, the last one his wife could give. For awhile, that love was enough. However, over time, Franklin's heart was ready to wander.  

 After Diane had turn five, Franklin felt ready to date again. He met a lovely single mother at Diane's favorite park. Her name was Katelyn and her own daughter had not even turn one yet. She liked to bring her baby, in a stroller, to the park. She said the fresh air and lively atmosphere was good for her baby. Franklin agreed.  

 Over a week, he worked up the nerve to ask Katelyn over for lunch. She happily had accepted the offer and the group of four walked together to Franklin and Diane's residence.  Franklin fixed up a salad and sandwiches for the lot. The baby was put in Diane's old play pin, as Diane sat near, coloring in her books. The adults ate their meal in the nearby dinning room.  

 Diane was not to thrilled with her guest. Often during lunch, she would interrupt the adult conversation, whining about how the baby won't stop staring at her. Franklin kept assuring her that the baby was just curious and didn't know any better. Then the adults went back to their laughing and chatting.  Diane sat at her books, frowning at the baby just staring. She wanted to will the baby to stop. So she narrowed her eyes, raised a hand and pointed at the baby.

"Eyes are gone." Diane spoke.  

 Soon, the baby's crying drifted into the dinning room. Katelyn hustled over to the playpin with Franklin wandering somewhat behind. He smiled seeing Diane coloring and humming away. Untill Katelyn screamed. Franklin rushed to Katelyn side and became horrified at what he saw. The poor baby's eye sockets were empty, with no idea where the eyeballs had gone.  

 After that day, Franklin never saw Katelyn and her baby again. The first of many strange occurrences that happened to people that Diane seemed to not like.


  • Good stuff! Definitely got my attention.👍

    Jan 28, 2018

  • Ramaya Lewis

    Ramaya Lewis

    This was a good story. Can you write more about Diane's power?

    Jan 28, 2018

  • More! Haha this is exciting and I hope more to come! I'm curious about Diane's abilities and how dad will react :)

    Jan 28, 2018

  • cool

    Jan 28, 2018

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