Wireless Connection
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Miscellaneous
There are a lot of "wounded" souls in this world; a fact which I had discovered a long time ago. And for many years, I have made it my mission in life to reach out to the wounded; just to let them know they are not alone and they don't have to be alone in facing their trials. Early yesterday morning, I received a phone call from someone I have been "walking and talking" with. She requested to meet me. She sounded a little bit too calm on the phone and that rang an alarm inside me. Being very aware of her story and history, that phone call felt like the calm before the storm. After agreeing to meet her, I ended the call. A quick glance at the time on my phone showed me it was just slightly after 7 in the morning on Sunday; the day where I usually use Bruno Mars's "The Lazy Song" as my theme song for the day as my excuse to justify my lazing around in bed till late. But that phone call changed everything. It woke me wide awake. I jumped in the shower, got dressed, and was out the door in record time. Being the chronic over thinker that I am, all kinds of scenarios played in my head. I was nervous to hear what she had to say and tried my best to prepare myself for anything that's coming. Dealing with someone with severe chronic depression is one thing. Adding suicidal junkie into the mix.... it is like walking into a battlefield to face a walking time bomb. Having witnessed her many attempts at ending her life and somehow managed to convince her to stay alive, my mind was racing as I made my way to her house. I didn't know what to expect when I see her and that made my nervous level shoot up to an all time high. But when I met her, she was all smiles. She welcomed me with a very warm embrace and then she broke down. For a moment, I didn't know what to say or how to react so, I just let her cry. She was really sobbing her heart out, wetting my shoulder with her tears. I didn't try to stop her crying for I felt she needed to have that cry. I just held her tight to assure her I was there for her and that she wasn't alone. Then when she was able to control her emotions and was able to speak, she pulled herself away from me slightly to look me in the eye. She said, "Zee, I'm gonna be okay now," and she smiled with tears glistening in her eyes. She then thanked me for being there for her each time she needed someone to talk to and she really made such a big deal about it. I just brushed it aside. To me, I hadn't done anything grand. I was just being a friend providing her a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on each time she needed it. No big deal. I spent the entire morning with her and I could see the clear changes - her smile now reaches her eyes and her once dark thoughts are now so much more positive. The dark clouds that have been looming over her for years seemed to have been blown away by the wind of change. I saw sunshine in her smile, clear blue skies on her face and hope was evident in her eyes. I am happy that she is healed but I will not take credit for her healing. I am no healer and I have no healing powers. It was God who was working through me to heal her. I was just His tool.
I have suicidal friends who constantly come to me for advice... And i dont know how to help them considering i havent been through what they have been through, my life has been one big mess (literally) except for the bits and pieces i leak to you from time to time in my stories. And no matter what you say to convince me its not that bad... Just know that you have no clue as to who i am. Please tell me what to do...
Jan 28, 2018