The Infamous Swan
Read Count : 135
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
I know someone in the C.K.C, but I’m not part of it. I’m a serial killer and a plastic surgeon. Anyway there is an unknown person who goes around killing people. Their code name is The Infamous Swan. They already killed my family and their coming for me next. This time I’m going to be ready when they come. My plan is to set up traps around the house and get everything on the camera for my personal enjoyment then I kill them. I know it’s going to work. Then I will be rewarded by the police with millions of dollars. I hear something. I think they’re here. The minute they walked in the door they got hit in the face with pie. Then they stumbled through the hallway and tripped over a bunch of marbles. They got up and stumbled towards the door where they fell through a giant strip of plastic rapp with glue on it into a box of feathers. The last step was set, they stumbled a bit more fell through the door into a pit with sharp knives sticking up. And with a howling scream they died. I looked into the hole and gasped. It was my sister that fell into the hole and died, it was her the whole time. Well now what am I supposed to do. Without their dead body I can’t collect the money. I take my plastic surgeon skills and make them look like The Infamous Swan. Then I call the police and turn her in. The police get to my house take away the body and give me 10 million dollars in cash. I’ll do my yacht shopping later right now I’m going to lay down and watch tv. Someone broke into the house, I go into hiding. They’re in the kitchen now, getting a knife I should call the cops. When I called they said you already turned in The Infamous Swan stop prank calling us. Before I ended the phone call they plunged a knife into my back and I died slowly. I should have known, they are called the infamous swan because they are graceful when they kill. Unlike my sister, she’s a klutz. I blame her for this. I never even got to buy my yacht.
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