The Surprise Read Count : 150

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
       I go to Madness Middle School. People say I fit in here but not in a good way. They’re basically saying that I’m psychotic. If you play with knives and accidentally start a fire 1 time they label you for life.


              Today I have cooking class for first period, with all of the knives it's practically made for me. At least that's what I think, in class everyone wears hazmat suits and stays on the other side of the room. Today is special I’m finally going to get revenge. I have a group of friends but lately I felt like an outcast. My teachers talked about a  closet in the school filled with bombs. I went through all of my classes then went to the closet and got the bombs. The next step in my plan is to pull the fire alarm. When everyone except them left I locked them in the room. I went home and got a lighter then I went back to school light the bombs with a 3 minute time limit. Before the bomb detonated they told me that they were planning my surprise birthday party, oh well at least I learned that I love bombs and killing people.


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