The Assasins Bag Read Count : 125

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Thriller
    The Assassins Bag

       What a beautiful morning the perfect day to start my training to become a serial killer. Someone is ringing my doorbell but when I look out the window I don't see anyone there. I go to the kitchen and get a frying pan to make an egg. The doorbell rings again I marched out of the kitchen with the frying pan in my hand. This time I open the door but no one is there. Dang it! I wanted to hit them in the head with the frying pan. When I look down I see a bag with my name on it. I looked inside of the bag and there were 2 bracelets, a note and a few other things. The note said "to start your training meet us at Elmont Park at 12pm, ps. you're the top serial killer in the class. Only you received the bag. Make sure to bring everything that's in the bag btw use the envelope this was in to hide some of the gadgets so it looks like your mailing an envelope ".This just got exciting. Yesterday in school my teacher told the class to never go to Elmont Park at night because it's a dangerous place. You may be wondering how old I am, I'm 12 years old. A lot of people say I look 14. Anyway I don't live with my parents anymore they felt that I was mature enough to live on my own but they still pay the bills for me.

           It's dark and gloomy outside, just the way I like it. I see a shadowy figure. It must be my recruiter. I ran towards them. Once I was 2 yards away I saw them take out a knife. They tried to stab me 3 times and failed every time. Between flips and somersaults I managed to stab them a couple of times but it doesn't seem to hurt them. They get up like nothing happened. 

“ Who are you?”I said in a strong voice.

They calmly replied “I'm your recruiter”

“ Wow it's a pleasure to meet you!”

“ I'm sure it is. Let's cut out the pleasantries and go start the class with the others. Do you have the assassins bag?"

“ Yes and also I should have killed you when I had the chance.”

“That's the spirit.” We walked to the back of the park and there were several other trainees there. Since we don't introduce ourselves I'll just name them by what they're wearing. 

“ Your first missions will be tomorrow, but in order to go on a mission you have to learn the steps to kill someone. Step 1: always be sneaky. Use the method of surprise attack”Ugly shirt raised his hand.

“ When we sneak up on someone is there a certain type of shoes we should wear so that we don't make noise?”

“ What you need is a certain type of killer that knows to LET ME FINISH GIVING DIRECTIONS BEFORE ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS! The second step is to use disguised weapons and go for any spot that you can kill someone in one stab. The 3rd step is to get rid of all evidence. The thing you have to remember is to stay anonymous  does everyone understand? I'll be handing out your assignments on your way out.” We all waited ugly shirt, curly hair,and Mr. Money got their assignments before me. By the way he is called Mr. Money because there was a $100 bill sticking out of his pocket that I just stole. My assignment is to kill my principal and then steal all of the jewelery in her office. The recruiter also told me everything about the contents in the bag. In the bag there was a Death star , a bracelet  that wrapped around your wrist  multiple times and when you take it off you can use it to strangle your target, a bracelet made out of straws that you could shoot darts out of, there were 2 fans one was for if you get hot and other had wooden sticks on it that you could use to stab someone, and a parachute for emergencies.

                 When I walked into the classroom I asked the teacher to go to the principal's office. When I walked in she was sitting at her desk counting her jewelery. I told her that I was planning to go skydiving tomorrow and I wanted her to join and she happily said yes.When I got home to prepare I took the parachute and snipped the cord and put it in The Assassin's Bag.I got ready for bed but I couldn't fall asleep with so much excitement. 

                I got the bag and met her at the only skydiving place in the state. When we were in the plane I switched the broken parachute out for her parachute and put hers in my bag. When she jumped out the parachute didn't open. I jumped out after her, I wanted to take a death star and stab her in the back but step 3 was to get rid of all evidence , so I followed her and I landed next to her she was almost dead. Just in case I took a rock and broke her skull to make sure she died then I called the paramedics and they pronounced her dead. I went back to school on Monday and got the jewelery and brought them to the recruiter.



  • A brilliant concept 😁 x x

    Jan 28, 2018

  • Good start.

    Jan 28, 2018

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