Thank You Read Count : 127

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Reference
I thank you guys, the 2 that I saw who actually cared. I just feel like no one did care, the only thing that I love doing, drawing, everyone hates and is better then me. I have a big family, 3 grandma's, 3 grandpa's, and 7 cousins. They all hate me, I have 2 amazing friends that are depressed for their own reasons. I try to help them the best I can but, it's too much for me to handle. My amazing girlfriend, cuts herself and I try to stop it or help her but honestly I feel like doing it myself. I have a sister who, I feel like my dad loves her more... For 4 years on my birthday I never got a present or cake or friends. I even forgot I had a birthday because I would just go and cry it off, last year I got a guitar which I like I do and I was happy that he got it for me. That was it, my sister got to go to a trampoline park an ice cream cake and one whatever she wanted. I only got that and a happy birthday, then my sister cried for a week because I got a damn computer... Now this all sound like a stupid reason why I feel like she's more loved well... My sister got a D in her class all my dad did was tell her do her best. So I gave up doing my work and he yelled at me for 2 hours because I got a D. My sister can act like a phyco and my dad will just laugh, if I even say something like "Ima kill you!" Just joking he'll backhand me. She doesn't even take care of HER FERRET I have to, but does my dad care... Nope. This is why I feel hated, but my dad won't listen to me. He never does, this is why I hate myself, I've stopped eating breakfast and lunch. I've stopped doing my homework, I've stopped caring. So I posted that "why wait" and when I saw those comments I felt a bit better. Thank you


  • Sweetheart, you are having a rough patch. Is it fair the way you've been dealt the cards of life? No. But life isn't always roses and clear blue skies. Sometimes it rains, and sometimes you get hurricanes. But is that a good reason for you to hate yourself? No. Don't let your pain, anger and dissapointment define you. You are a beautiful and special soul. You just need to look deep inside yourself to see that. By the way, my offer still stands. If you ever need to talk, unleash, vent, rant, explode, whatever, I am here for you.💜

    Jan 28, 2018

  • Vipin  Kumar

    Vipin Kumar


    Jan 29, 2018

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