I Am Writing A Story. Read Count : 143

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
    I am writing a book and I need your help. You may have read some of it. It is called "The Avikar" and it is about when King Arthur is in power. This is my own take on the King Arthur saga. As such there are many differences between the legend and my story. I introduce "Orcs" to the story of King Arthur in a specific way. I need your help however to find an event for the characters. Give some ideas in the comments. I am purposefully NOT telling you much, so that your ideas may flow freely of the current events of the story. Thanks! -Jess


  • There is lots of histroy behind it. It also depends how old you want him to be when these things happen or whether you want to stay true to the story or not xx

    Jan 27, 2018

  • Thomas Hunter

    Thomas Hunter

    medievil is not my forte.

    Apr 24, 2018

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