THE SIGHT...."THE DAY I DIED!¡● (part Two)
Read Count : 40
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
"CHEATED" _____________________ After a sleepless night with her heart and mind in panic mode. She knew in her heart that what Gene's cousin told her was true.. He was seeing some twenty three year old skank that worked in the deli department. That she had to accept, but she prayed and prayed.... "OH GOD.... PLEASE COME INTO HIS HEART AND MAKE HIM REALIZE WHO REALLY LOVES AND NEED HIM...... OH PLEASE, DON'T LET HIM BE IN LOVE... PLEASE!¡ she said allowed as she looked in the bathroom mirror at the DUNKIN DONUTS across the street from the supermarket where her husband, Gene, worked as the Grocery Manager. She wanted to call him so bad just to hear what he was going to say, but she needed to see him face to face. She needed to look into his eyes, which was the only place he couldn't hide his lies. After all.... they say that our eyes are "THE WINDOWS TO OUR SOUL ".... Jody and Little Gene sat at the DUNKIN DONUTS for nearly two hours before she was able to prepare her heart for what he was going to say. She finally had enough of thinking and decided to go to the store and confront him They walked into the store and Jody felt as if everyone was looking at her.... like everyone knew what a dam fool she was.... So she put her head down so as not to look at anyone around her. Well, that was until she walked past the deli counter, where she held her head high with her eyes wide open. She was so dam disappointed because the homewrecking WHORE' wasn't there... unless of course she was lying low.. knowing that she was gonna get her ass whipped ! If she had seen that bitch there, with her state of mind... only GOD KNOWS what Jody may have done to her Jody walked down the produce isle headed towards the swinging doors leading to the storeroom in the back when there he was walking out from the back. He saw them and seemed to give a nervous smirk as if he were nervous.. embarrassed and a smartass all at the same time. As they approached him, he just continued to work like nothing had happened. Jody just couldn't hold back the tears and with her voice that sounded as if she had a severe cold from crying all night she asked him...... "GENE.. WHY?.. OH MY GOD.. WHY?..... WHAT DID I DO WRONG?... as she sobbed and her eyes continued to swell. Gene looked around them as to see who was around watching what was going on and seemed to feel no sympathy or even the slightest bit guilty he said in broken into a zillion itty bitty pieces when he lied and said he was with his cousin little Gordon. After all she had ran into Little Gordon and he told her the truth. She was livid with hurt and anger as she blurted out.... "IS THAT WHORE JEN WORKING TODAY?.... WHY EVEN LIE GENE?.., YOU COULDN'T HAVE BEEN WITH GORDON LAST NIGHT, BECAUSE I WAS!... YOU SPENT THE NIGHT WITH THAT WHORE JEN!!¿¡¡!! Gene's eyes grew as big as silver dollars when Jody seemed to know all about Jen. He immediately began to try to quiet her down so she didn't draw attention. he said "NO JODY , YOU ARE MAKING a SCENE.... JODY couldn't control her emotions. She just couldn't help but over talk him and demand answers that her HEART and the overwhelming hope that Gene would say something that indicated that he loved her. She just needed answers so she cried and yelled.. but she yelled ina whisper.... "SO WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WITH THAT SKANK ASS WHORE ALL NIGHT GENE¿¿....DID YOU FUCK HER¿.... NO DOUBT THE HO WOULD GIVE IT UP... SHE IS FUCKING A MARRIED MAN AND DESTROYING A LITTLE BOYS AND ANOTHER WOMAN'S LIFE.... I SWEAR TO GOD GENE, I'M GOING TO:FUCK HER UP EVERY TIME I SEE HER. OH MY GOD, WHY DID YOU JUST DESTROY US ? I MEAN DO YOU LOVE HER GENE?¿"He continuously shook his head no, but she needed to know, so she asked again in a much louder voice.... "DO YOU FUCKING LOVE THAT SKANKY ASS WHORE?¿" HE quickly tried to dismiss her as he said in serious, but anxious voice.... "GO HOME, I WILL TALK ABOUT IT WHEN I GET HOME¡! Jody was so crushed and as she looked into his eyes she couldn't see any signs of sympathy .. no signs of remorse or even fear of losing her for being unfaithful! Well, it was clear that he wasn't concerned about how his selfish decisions would impact his family... for Christ's sake it wasn't as if he tried to hide it by sneaking around. No... not him! Even after fifteen together their sex life was great! They still screwed just about everyday and yes.... twice on his day off of work. She felt so sexy with him. If she even walked through the room in her panties he would be hard as a brick . The strangest thing about Gene was that in a of the affairs (3) he had through their marriage their SEX life never suffered. She needed it just as much as him.... which ruled out lack of satisfaction in bed as the driving force for his unfaithful and selfish decisions... no, it was his Low.. Well, HE HAD VIRTUALLY NO FAITH IN HIMSELF THEREFORE HIS SELF ESTEEM! WAS "NONEXISTENT", consequently even though he had it all at home... every time any woman show the slightest bit of interest he would become INFATUATED and his feelings were all that mattered... FUCK EVERY BODY ELSE! He thought that in less then a month, they were gonna just forget about the ones that truly love then and LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER¡¡ How could he do this??He have a HOT WIFE who was also his best FRIEND .... A HOT SEX LIFE... A WONDERFUL SON AND BY ALL ACCOUNTS, HE WAS BLESSED WITH A WIFE AND SON THAT WOULD HAVE DIED FOR HIM!!! He didn't even seem to exhibit the slightest bit of concern for her welfare .. and didn't even consider how it was going to affect our son LITTLE GENE and the rest of his life. Jody was in SHOCK! LITTERAL SHOCK AND SHE WAS IN UTTER DISBELIEF! So as she calmed down she asked him in a begging tone...... PLEASE GENE.... "ARE YOU GONNA COME HOME TONIGHT?¿ PLEASE , PLEASE COME HOME TONIGHT?!" she began begging.... THIS WAS THE DAY SHE DIED¿¿¿!! _____________________ To be CONTINUED on FACEBOOK PAGE The Hidden One's Revealed!" And PARANORMAL TESTIMONIAL CLUB Look up.the above group
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