Soulmates Part 2
Read Count : 147
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
*** #shortstorychallenge *** *** this is part 2 *** Warning contains explicit language and sexual content. Continued from last story....hope you enjoy. I'm retiring after this one lol 👍😂 "Come on bitch answer the phone!" Alaya had called her friend over several times but got no answer. She really felt bad about being so selfish and mean to Treena. The last few times she called the phone went to voicemail. After a while she decided to go to bed she had cheer leading practice in the morning. She would just try to catch Treena at basketball practice. That night Alaya dreamed she was at the prom. Her long dress made her look like a Disney princess. She wanted to see Treena in her dress. She couldn't find her best friend anywhere. She kept asking all her classmates had they seen her but no one knew where she was. She wanted to finally see her home girl in a dress then suddenly her favorite Usher song came on.....the crowd parted and Treena stood there smiling. She didn't have on the dress Alaya had picked out for her instead she wore a black tux with a pink vest and tie. She saw that Treena's colors matched her dress. Treena slowly walked over to her. Her hair was now cut into a perfect fade and her diamond studs blinged in her ears. Alaya was speechless, she was almost attracted to her friend. It was like Treena was finally showing the real her. She took Alaya's hands and they began to slow dance. Neither one of them ever spoke. They looked into each other's eyes and suddenly Treena leaned in to kiss her....... "Alaya wake up!" Her mom shouted pulling her from her dream. "You gonna be late for practice!" She groaned as she threw the covers back and slowly climbed from her bed. She loved being a cheerleader but hated getting up so early on a Saturday. Alaya showered and quickly put on her Spartan sweats and t shirt. After she brushed her teeth she pulled her shoulder length hair back into a ponytail. She then slipped on her black nike air maxx's and rushed to practice. When she got to school she seen the cheerleaders and Treena's fellow team members huddled outside the gym door. "That's weird....what the hell they doing?" She parked, got out her car and walked over to them. "Hey y'all wussup!" Her heart sank when she saw their expressions. "What's wrong wit y'all." "I'm sorry Alaya...." Vicki the center for the Spartans said walking up to her. Alaya looked up at her confused. "About what?" Keisha one of the members of the cheer leading squad rushed over and hugged her crying her eyes out. Alaya was confused. "Bitch what the fuck going on?" Vicki's eyes teared up before she spoke. "Treena's mom called me this morning....Treena was found dead a few hours ago...." She didn't think she heard right did she just say her bff was dead.... "What?" Another girl from the team walked over. "Yeah she called me too she called all of us...she didn't call you?" Alaya didn't put her cell on the charger it must had died over night. Rushing out the house she had forgot it on her night stand. "No I don't have my phone. Wait what the fuck is y'all talking about?" She still couldn't comprehend what they was trying to tell her. "They found her dead in an abandoned apartment. She had been raped and killed. Over in the projects..." Kiesha said between sobs. "I'm sorry I know how close you two were..." She didn't believe them. "Whateva!" She rolled her eyes. Vicki handed her her phone. "Call her parents." A cold chill came over her. She knew her best friend wasnt dead. She was just mad right now and would be ok. She reluctantly took her phone and dailed Mrs. Jacobs number. When her mom answered the phone crying Alaya's heart shattered. Tears stung her eyes as reality set in. "Mrs. Jacobs where is my friend?" "Lay Lay she's gone, they took my only child away from me!" She cried. "No no! Please!" Alaya began to cry. "She can't be I just saw her last night..." "I'm sorry but they killed my baby...." Mrs. Jacob's words echoed in her head as she felt her feet give from under her. She sunk to the ground and cried letting out cries that she never knew a human could make. She wailed so loud that God himself may have heard her cries from heaven. "Noooo wwwwwhhhhhyyyy!" All the girls rushed to comfort her. "Not Treeeeennnaaaa!" She screamed. Her soul was hurt. How could anyone do this. She couldn't live without her sister. She was all she had. She felt so guilty because Treena would still be alive had she not been such a bitch to her and let her get out of the car. That was the part that hurt most of all. Treena was dead because of her and she would live the rest of her life carrying that burden..... The whole senior class put together a big memorial collage for Treena. At the funeral Alaya couldn't even look at it. It had pictures of her through the years. Her trophies, her team jersey, her honor awards and her cap and gown. It was so beautiful but Alaya was hurt. She couldn't even walk up to the casket. Treena's family said that she had so many bruises that they wished to have a closed casket ceremony. The whole funeral lasted what seemed like forever. Alaya just sat there tears running down her face. She was just a shell, her soul had died with her friend. Life didn't matter to her anymore. After they met at the grave site and the friends and family slowly left Alaya still stood there. She looked at the casket in a daze. She was there so long that the workers had come to lower the casket into the ground. With each foot they lowered her friend into the dirt her sanity broke. She dropped to her knees and cried out. The cry of a true broken heart, a cry from her soul... Her world would never be the same....a piece of her was gone forever..... Several years flew by since that tragic day. Alaya had sinced move from her small town in Arkansas to Atlanta, Georgia. She had made a career as a paralegal and worked at a firm in downtown Atlanta. She made a decent living grossing about $52,000 a year. She stayed in a small pent house apartment a few blocks away. She rarely drove her 2015 Tesla instead she would walk keeping her body in top shape. She was still thick but had shed over 50 pounds since college. She was just going through the motions in life. Work, home, clean and exercise was her ritual. She didn't have time to date or make friends. She had turned herself into an emotionless robot after she lost her best friend. Her body was roaming the earth stuck in a daily routine but her soul was locked in a dark place. At work she had a lot of haters. She stayed top notch wearing the best designer pant suits or skirts. Despite her inner unhappiness she stayed flyy. Her hair stayed done with the best Brazilian sew ins and her make up was professionally done. The secretaries hated her and constantly gossiped about her. The lawyers always asked her out to dinner looking at her shape as she worked under them. She paid none of them any attention. No one knew anything about her life not even one little detail. She hardly ever spoke unless it was work related. After work she jogged home breaking her record and took the stairs instead of the elevator. She walked into her apartment and before she could do anything else she froze in front of the fire place. Above it was a huge portrait of her and Treena a few weeks before she was killed. They were laughing Treena had just got her varsity jacket and letters and was showing off. She had an arm around her throwing up the dueces and her smile was so big, she was so happy. Alaya had her duck lips face throwing up her piece sign. They were so young and cute back then. Treena even wore that fitted cap that Alaya hated so much. It made her look like a little boy. Treena was too beautiful to hide herself. Alaya had judged her too much and to this day she hated herself for not letting her friend be who she was. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked up at the picture. She couldn't remember a day that went by that she didn't cry. She had went to counseling and to a shrink and they all wanted to put her on antidepressants. Alaya wasn't into taking pills and decided to live with her pain locked up inside. After Alaya went off to college she slowly broke contact with anyone from her old town. She hadn't talk to her parents in years. She had left her old life behind ridding herself of anyone that kept reminding her of the death of Treena. All she had was the picture on her wall and that was all she needed. "Hey girl it was another long day at work." She spoke outloud to the picture. "Jeffrey ass still drooling over me, asking me out to dinner and shit." Alaya wiped her tears and laughed. "He a trip girl. So what should I cook us for dinner?" She pulled her running shoes off and sat them at the door next to her 6 inch red bottons. "I'm thinking lasagna that was always yo favorite." She walked into her room and shed her clothes. "Don't be peeking in here bitch!" She laughed at her friend. She climbed into the tub and took a long hot shower trying to clear her head. She got out and as usual she fell into a depressed state. She poured her usual Remy in a champagne class and drank until she passed out. The next morning she woke up with a pounding headache. She groaned and realized she woke up with her usual hangover. She had slept in Treena's basketball jersey like she did every night since her death. She knew she wasn't healthy and she couldn't keep going on like she was but it was the only way she could cope with shit. "Fuck Treena why you keep letting me hurt myself like this!" She yelled out to no one. She got up and washed her face and brushed her teeth. It was still early so she fixed a small healthy breakfast and decided to go to the gym and work out. As usual Alaya pushed her body to the limits. It kept her mind off of things. She got her cardo up, did aerobics and lifted a little iron. She was sweating more than usual but ignored it and kept pushing. She was running on the treadmill listening to her Young Jeezy she went hard while listening to his mix tape. She looked up and noticed this young guy looking at her as he did his pull ups. She had noticed him earlier looking at her when she walked in. She ignored him and kept doing her thing. After a while she couldn't help but look at him again. She had to admit he was sexy. He looked over at her again as he stretched and gave her a smile. Alaya looked away and kept running. All of a sudden she started to feel nauseas. She stopped the treadmill and got off. Her breathing became shallow and she felt light headed. The room began to spin. In her blurred vision she saw the sexy man walking over to her saying something but she couldn't make out what he was saying. What was happening to her she thought. She felt hands grabbing her as her legs got weak and the room went black..... "No you don't have to call an ambulance she just needs water." A mans voice said as Alaya slowly opened her eyes. "Wh what happen?" "Good you're awake! You gotta drink this!" The man poured the room tempature water in her mouth. Her throat was dry so she drunk it fast. "You are dehydrated." He told her giving her more water. "Glad I caught you before you fell and hit yo head." He had a deep country accent. "I saw you from over there I knew you looked like something was wrong." Alaya finished the water before she tried to stand up. "Well thanks." She told the man. He was a lot cutier up close. "No problem." He smiled. She was mesmorized by his perfect smile and sexy lips. His skin was so smooth. He was perfect. He was chocolate with intense dark almond shape eyes under thick black eyebrows that matched his thick black beard. His hair was cut like the singer August Alsina. Alaya could see he worked out faithfully his body was small but chiseled. He stood only a half inch taller than her but he was still a sexy man just in a small package. "You gonna be OK?" He asked in concern. She nodded. "Yeah, sure, thanks!" "I never caught yo name?" He asked. She wasn't in the mood to make new friends. "Thanks again but I gotta go!" She rushed off. Alaya decided not to drink and work out straight after. She didn't won't to have another embarrassing episode. She went back to her routine.... Work, home, clean, exercise. A few days later she went back to the gym this time she brought water. She went into the weight room to do squats and bumped into Mr. Sexy again. "Hey wussup?" He smiled. "Oh hey!" She brushed past him. "My name is Tre' by the way!" He told her extending his hand for her to shake it. Alaya rolled her eyes. "Who really gave a fuck who he was?!" she thought to herself. She hesitated then shook his hand. "My name is Alaya!" She told him dryly. "That's a pretty name." He told her. "Yeah thanks but I'm trying to work out now!" He put his hands up in surrender. "My bad I ain't trying to stop you!" Alaya walked off and went back into routine. Tre' sat on the weight bench and watched Alaya set up to do squats. "You know you should plant yo feet better you're gonna give yo self back problems later in life." He said as he began to wrap tape around his hands. Alaya stopped and thought about her best friend. She always ragged on her when they worked out always saying she did her squats wrong. "Can you mind yo bidness!" Tre' laughed as he laid back to do his set of reps. "Alright I already saved you once." She ignored him and finished her work out. A few weeks passed by and every time Alaya went to workout Tre' was always there. She acted annoyed but deep inside she was drawn to him. She felt a spark trying to rekindle inside her, a fire that had burned out years ago. "Alaya was it?" He asked as he opened the door to her car for her. "Yeah why!" "Well Alaya one day we should go grab a bite to eat." He suggested. "I don't date!" She told him as she climbed into her car and slammed the door shut. He still stood there so she rolled the window down. "What?" Tre' laughed. "I never said it was a date. Two folks can't just go to get food?" Alaya put her foot in her mouth again. "Maybe .... I will think about it!" "What is there to think about you don't get hungry?" "For yo information I have a special diet ...so....No!" "Girl you are something else!" He said as he walked off shaking his head and laughing. Treena always said she was something else. She kind of laughed at the memory. "OK!... Tre' we can go out dayum!" She told him. He spun around and smirked at her. "Good and since you got a special diet you pick the place I got the rest!" She smiled as she watched him walk to his car. It was an old gto. It was kind of cool. Treena had a thing for old classic cars and would go crazy if she was alive to see it. That night while Alaya got ready for bed she realized she hadn't spoke to the picture over here fireplace. She was so looking forward to her date with Tre' that she didn't think about it. Was she actually smiling now. After all this time she realized he was getting her to come out of her shell. The next few weeks flew by. Alaya found herself at the gym almost everyday. She was even talking more and most of all Tre' was making her laugh again. A sound she hadn't heard come from herself in over seven years. Her and Tre' laughed and talked about the people in the gym. Cracking jokes and acting like big kids. They actually started doing more playing than working out. Outside the gym they started hanging out. Going to dinner, the movies, bowling and skating. They had become inseparable. Alaya was starting to feel like a teenager again. At night they would stay up for hours on the phone. Sending pics to each other. Rated P.G. pics of course. He would send his abs and she would send hers and they would have a contest on who had the best body. Alaya's soul had been dead for so long until she met Tre'. She hadn't even been crying over Treena or drinking her sorrows away. She didn't even feel the burden of guilt anymore. Maybe Tre' was her cure..... Tre' took Alaya out for Valentine's day. They had been hanging tough for the past 3 months. He took her to a Jamaican club. They ate exotic foods, drank and danced the night away. He was all over Alaya, grinding on her. It had been along time since any man had touched her and he was making her hot. She began grinding on him too, seducing him with her round ass. He gripped her hips as she bent over dancing to the rhythmatic beat. She turned around and pressed her body against his they looked into each others eyes and they slowly kissed each other. In a rush of emotion Alaya could feel her heart pounding in her chest she felt a warmth she hadn't felt since she was a teenager. She suddenly realized she was in love with him. He had completely broke the ice around her heart and freed her soul. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity. They ended up back at her apartment. Tre' was pulling her short dress over her head before she could even get her door open. He pushed her door closed with his foot as he pressed her against the wall sucking on her neck and breast. She maoned in pleasure as be bent down and pulled down he lace thong. He lifted her leg over his shoulder and tasted her freshly waxed kitty. He made love to her with his tongue. She had never felt so much pleasure she gripped his small fro as he took her to pure ecstasy. "Oooooo Tre'!!!" She moaned. She let all the pain and guilt go as he gave her multiple orgasms. Alaya had never felt so relaxed and so at ease. After he was done he carried her to the room and they fell asleep with Tre' spooning her. Alaya woke up to find the other side of her bed empty. She could smell bacon frying. She smiled as she climbed from bed. She rushed into the living room and froze. She saw Tre' standing infront of the fireplace looking up the picture of her and Treena. "Who is she?" He asked without turning around. "She was my best friend." "Y'all looked happy!" He pointed out. He stood there looking like a chiseled god. He was shirtless still wearing his baggy Tru Religion jeans. She walked behind him and hugged him from behind. "I don't wanna talk about that right now. What you cooking?" She quickly changed the subject. He turned around and kissed her. "Something not so healthy but its better than that paper tasting shit you eat every morning." He teased. "Why didn't you make love to me last night?" She suddenly asked. He pulled away and made his way back into the kitchen. "I did!" "Tre' you know what I mean! You never even took yo pants off." "What, my head game wasn't good enough? U can't let it all out the bag!" He smiled. "Can't have you stalking a nigga!" Alaya walked up on him as he fixed her plate. "Well morning time is always the best time." "Woman you need to eat!" He turned around and put her plate in her face cutting her off. "Besides I gotta go to work I'm already behind!" He quickly kissed her forehead and walked over to put his shirt and shoes on. "Maybe we can catch a movie later!" He called out to her. She poked her lip out she wanted the whole package. "I guess!" She said dryly. "Thanks for breakfast!" She called as he rushed out the door. After their night together Tre' had suddenly become distant. He always rushed off the phone and avoided her at the gym. Finally Alaya had had enough. She googled his name and found his last known address. She drove over there to give him a piece of her mind. He stayed in a duplex house on the east side of Atlanta. She rung his buzzer. After a few moments he came down and answered the door. He had on a beater and hoop shorts. "Girl what the hell you doing here?" "Nigga why you avoiding me!" "I'm not!" "Tre' I don't play games so can you tell me wussup?!" He relunctantly let her in. "Woman you crazy bring yo ass upstairs." His place was small but neat. Almost like he had OCD. Treena kept her room like that. Always cleaning and organizing. She sat on his couch and crossed her legs. "So talk!" He sat across from her and took both of her hands. "If you think I'm trying to play you I wanna tell you that I'm not....it's just a lot you don't know about me..." His voice trialed off. "Like?!" She pressed. "I did some real bad things to people but only because they deserved it. I made it so they can't hurt anyone else." "So that makes you kick me to the curb because?..." "Woman I love you how can I kick you to the curb! Look I'm a cop. I was undercover a few days so I had to keep you at a distance. I couldn't speak at the time about the case but we good now ok?" He kissed her hands. She looked at him trying not to smile. "We betta be!" She told him. He leaned over and kissed her. They kissed each other passionately and she began rub her hand up his shorts to feel his throbbing manhood. He gently grabbed her hand stopping her and leaned her back on the couch. He sled off all her clothes kissing and licking every inch of her. He teased her pleasure button with his tongue and once again made her climax. He made her cum so hard that she fell asleep. Tre' cooked lasagna while Alaya took a nap. When she woke up he was gently tightening the strings on a guitar. She opened her eyes. She was still naked wrapped in a silk sheet. "Bae!" She smiled. "Yes honey?" He smiled back. "You finally woke up. Guess my head put you to sleep again." She sat up. "Well I wish yo dick would. Tired of you holding out on me." "I will give you all of me when the time is right ok." He told her. "I didn't know you played guitar." "Yeah I took lessons a few years ago." He told her. "My bff always wanted to try it out but she was so stuck on basketball that she made no time for nothing else not even boys." She laughed thinking about the good times. "I played a little ball too. I was a bad ass point guard til I tore my ACL. Never was the same after that." "Yeah Treena was a point guard too. She was so boney her little self but could shoot her ass off and had ball handles out this world. She coulda went to the pros." Tre' sat his guitar to the side and looked at Alaya. "You never talk about her much but when you do your whole world lights up. Y'all must've been real close." "Well I wasn't always like this. For a while I shut everyone out. I never talked about her to no one. We were joined at the hip and when she was killed a big piece of me died too. I was so lost and tuned out from the real world after her death. I couldnt even tell you what color her casket was or anything the preacher said...." Alaya told him. "We did everything together. She always had my back. I Always had a big mouth and I got in a lot of fights and Treena would always fight my battles. No girl could step to her and if a nigga tried to play me or do me wrong you would think she was my big brother or something. She was always so over protective of me." Alaya's mind went back to how life was with Treena. "But I was so judgemental of her. I wanted her to do the things I did shop and put on make up and do each others hair but she was always so different. I never really took the time to care about what she liked. I was really a selfish friend at times." "How so?" Tre'asked leaning forward in his chair. "Well for one I never made it easy for her to be herself. I always knew. I had known for years. She would never admit it though." "Admit what?" He asked. "That she liked girls. I was her bff she couldn't hide nothing from me. She just never seemed comfortable in her own skin. I was just so mean towards lesbians. I talked about the studs at our school and I know that was the main reason she didn't come out to me. I just hated for all those girls to hide their beauty under them big boy clothes and durags. I looked at it all the wrong way. I loved that girl so much and I hated myself a long time because the night she was killed she got out my car upset because I was being a real asshole to her. I hated that our last moments together was over some petty as argument and I would give anything to go back to that night and embrace her for who she was and she would still be alive." Alaya burst into tears. Tre' rushed over to her side and pulled her into his arms. "Baby please stop blaming yo self. I'm sure Treena would never say any of that was yo fault. She will always watch over you. And as long as you have her in yo heart she will live on forever.... "Oh Tre' I love you so much because you came into my dark world and pulled me back into the light. And what's the funny part in all of this is that you remind me so much of her. I haven't had this much fun and joy in my life with anyone since her." He kissed her forehead. "I love you too and I promise to keep you away from that dark place." Suddenly Alaya sat up. "You cooking?" "Yeah lasagna...hope that's ok with you because that's my favorite!" He smiled. She playfully hit him in the chest. "See what I mean that was Treena's favorite too." After dinner they smoked weed and played a game of cards. They laughed and joked all night. Not only was Tre' her lover he was now her new best friend. Alaya hadn't smoked since graduation and the good weed put her into a deep peaceful sleep. A year flew by and Tre' had moved in with Alaya. They loved each other so much but they no longer had a sex life. Alaya was getting fed up. He wouldn't go all the way with her and didn't want to until she knew everything about him. Tre' had a secret dark past. He was a dirty cop but it also went much deeper than that. Some nights he would sit on the edge of the bed and admire Alaya's smooth naked body. He had never loved anyone like he loved her. Tears was rolling down his face because he was scared she would leave him if he told her the truth. Alaya woke up and looked over. Tre' sat with his back to her. He had his face in his hands and he appeared to be sobbing. "Babe what's wrong?" He didn't answer. "Tre'!" "Nothing just go back to sleep!" He told her wiping his face. "I'm good!" She sat up and tried to touch him but he pulled away. "Alaya I'm ok!" She sighed. "Stop lying! How do you expect us to work if you keep hiding shit from me?" He stood up and quickly began to get dressed. "Ima just go!" He sniffled. "I need to clear my head." "You not walking out this house at 3 in the morning!" She yelled. He rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He walked out the room. Alaya jumped up and put on her robe. She ran after him. "Tre' you not leaving me!" She grabbed his arm and he snatched away. "Go back to sleep just leave me alone." He raised his voice. "Stop! Would just talk to me! Why are you acting like this?" She pulled on him again. Suddenly he turned around and pushed her." Alaya back off. Just leave me the fuck alone!" Alaya couldn't believe he had put his hands on her. She quickly lost her temper and attacked him. They wrestled around the living room knocking over a lamp and the coffee table. "You got me fucked up!" She screamed. "Girl get off of me!" They both fell over the couch and Tre's wallet fell to the floor. Alaya froze as her eyes fell on his open wallet. Next to his drivers license was a Decatur High school student I.D. She couldn't be seeing what she thought she saw. She slowly climbed off of him and slowly bent down to pick up the wallet. Her hands began to tremble as her eyes blurred over with tears. It was Treena's student I.D. Why in the hell did Tre' have her I.D.??? Alaya spun around and glarred at him. "Why the fuck do you have this?!" She yelled. He was froze in shock. He couldn't speak. She wasn't suppose to find out like this. She would definitely try kill him for sure. "Tre' how did you get this? What did you do to her? You were the one who raped her you son of a bitch!" Suddenly she attacked him like a mad woman. "No please stop its not what you think! Remember I told you I was a cop!" He finally got away from her wild swings. He put the couch between them. "Just calm down and listen for a minute." Tears filled his eyes. "Let me tell you my story." "Fuck yo story!" Alaya sobbed. "You killed my friend!" He quickly wiped his tears away. "No I didn't. Just let me explain. Dammit you wasn't pose to find out like this. I love you girl shit just deeper than I'm afraid to tell you!" "Well you better start talking before I get to cutting!" Alaya yelled. Tre' looked up at the portrait on the wall. "I'm so sorry Alaya." His voice suddenly going into a softer lighter tone. "I hated my life so much. I hated men so much..." An evil frowned crossed his face. "They stripped a girl of her innocence, taking every chance of her ever conceiving life. Destroying her womb and any chance of her ever wanting to marrying a man. Muthafucka thought he killed me. Playing dead was my only way to survive..... I went back and I found each one of those bastards and I put a bullet in their heads. I thought my pain would go away after that but no my past still haunted me." He slowly walked over to the picture and admired it. "I became a cop to put bad men like them away for life.... He paused and sighed "You see how could I live my life with out a soul? How could I have to leave the only person I ever loved. The only one who truely knew me. My parents made me die!" He sobbed. "I had to be dead because they feared that those evil men would come back to finish the job!" Alaya frowned she was confused. "What the fuck are you talking about?" TAG YOU'RE IT! Remember that? I didn't always use to pick you because you were a fat kid....I always picked you because I had a secret crush on you...." He turned to face her tears running down his face. "You right Alaya you really don't know me. And how could you? Look at me!" He held out his arms. "So much work to change into what I was born to be and knew I was meant to be. What I knew you would fall in love with." "Tre' your not making any sense!" "My name is not Tre'..." He told her. She was so at a lost. "What?" "Alaya I loved you from the very first moment I laid eyes on you. You were my world and I would go to hell and back over you! It killed me everyday of my life leaving you in sorrow. I have a dark past. I'm a murderer and a liar." "What are you talking about." Her mind was racing. He smiled and slowly walked over to her. "Alaya don't you see I never left you I told I would never let you go back to that dark place....." Alaya looked up at the picture then back at him. She looked in his eyes and she saw what she had been missing the whole time. It all made sense now ....from the gym to the old car he drove, his habits and most of all how he had made her feel. "No it can't be." She began to cry. No wonder why he seemed so familiar and made her feel so comfortable like she had known him all her life.... He dropped to his knees infront of her and looked into her eyes. "I'm so sorry I had to leave you best friend. But I'm here now and I plan to never leave yo side again." He took her hand into his and gently kissed it. He looked up at her and smiled. "I would like to formly introduce myself.....Hi Alaya my name is Treena......" **** THE END ****