The Dagger Of Death Read Count : 121

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Am I just this weak pathetic trick you play your games on? Am I just this girl you call a whore to all around..Is this all just a show ...I need to know ...For I must go ! Time is passing as you keep assassin..I know my past haunts you as it haunts me day and night ..But if you can't let go of the past then how can you enjoy the future.? Your looking for the person that is at the end of the bottle ..Round 4 at the bar trying to score another corruption for my dysfunctional mental state...She no longer exist..For in the process of loosing her ..Trying to make Mrs perfect ..Mrs sober...This is getting to much ...Why can't you believe me when I say enough is enough ..I'm sorry my past has hurt you so badly I'm trying to make this right..Stop playing cop with my life ...I just want to disappear tonight..Tie a rope around my neck close my eyes and say goodnight ...No longer will I be anybody's whore tonight!


  • May 11, 2017

  • May 11, 2017

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