The Boy I Love♡
Read Count : 162
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
Chapter 1 .................. It sucks doesn't it. Liking someone you can't have, seeing them everyday, but knowing that they'll never be yours. It's the worst feeling, cause all you can do is dream about and wish for them, but never have them. I want a guy that doesn't care about how I do my hair, a guy that doesn't care how I dress, who loves my smile and dorky laugh and how I get hyper when I'm tired. Who would never want to see me cry and who would do those small things that make my day. I want a guy who likes me for who I am. It all started when I moved here for a fresh start in my life. My parents made friends with our neighbour. The got a son called Jace. His a year older than me. We became best friends but I want it to be more. It's so hard to pretend to be friends with him when everytime you look at him and all you see is everything you've ever wanted.