To My Ex ( Diss Track ) *unfinished* Read Count : 133

Category : Songs

Sub Category : Rap
Your words are meaningless, something you wouldn’t know, calling me ugly?, have you looked in a mirror lately? you look like, you belong to a circus show, you called me “baby” but really all I heard was “ hmm, maybe”, your times up, your sour, I know the truth, one thing you should know, this is my show, “oh and by the way, on your way out, make sure you don’t get hit by the door”  I don’t care ‘bout you no more, let’s put it in black and white, You messed me about not just once but twice , shame on you, but I guess that’s all you’ll ever do, I would wish you luck but you don’t even deserve that

you manipulated, cheated, lied, made me out to be the bad guy, I truly wasn’t, I know this fact and it happens to be true! your a joke, now i’m sat here saying adios, sayonara, good bye to you


  • Love it! 💜

    Jan 26, 2018

  • yeah good

    Jan 31, 2018

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