Russians In The White House! Read Count : 217

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
Fake President entertained his two close Russian buddies this morning in the people's oval office. A TASS reporter was also in attendance. NOT A SINGLE MEMBER OF THE US PRESS WAS ALLOWED IN THE MEETING.

Doesn't Fake President work for the American people? Doesn't the press represent the people acting as our eyes and ears to keep the powerful in line?

What makes this bastard think he can shut the press, thus the American people, out of the loop. Maybe it's because we let him get away with not showing his taxes. He thinks he now has carte blanc to dismiss anyone or anything he wants.

We are clearly on the road to
authoritarianism. Fake President must be stopped. Wonder what he and the Russians discussed today? We will never know. This is dangerous precedent and must be reversed.

Congress, you awake out there?


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