Nightcore - Chapter 3 Read Count : 118

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
        Chapter 3: Open Book

We arrive at his house. I get out and head to the shower. I felt Roman’s presence standing outside the door. 
“Roman I need a towel, can you bring it to me,” I asked to let him know that I know he was there. He comes in and hands me it, trying not to seem weird as if we had not just made out and pretend nothing happen. I wait for him to close the door, then proceeded to take my shower. I head downstairs and sit on the couch to just think. He comes and sits beside me. 
“Roman, if you feel weird around me don’t,” I said. I couldn’t take his awkward vibes anymore.
“It’s not that, I just don’t want you to start something you can’t finished,” he says. 
“Then, let’s not catch feelings, it makes it easier for both of us,” I suggest. 
“How can you fake that kind of passion, you can’t do that,” he says clasping his hands around his mouth thinking. 
“Roman, we just had fun,” I try to make it easier on him. I can see his bothered by it. I’m starting to fall for him. And I’m scared. 
“Look, I like you. “ he looks at me in shock. 
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” he said. He places his hands on my cheek and softly kisses me. We began locking lips for a little longer, but it was quick. I wished it could last longer. I place my head on his chest. 
“I like you too,” he stuttered. What I said was how I felt. I don’t want to be a booty call. I just want him to be mine. He looks at me and gets up and we leave. 
“I’m telling you, I’m not good at relationships, but I like you,” he says. I couldn’t help but smile. We get in the car.  He starts driving fast. 
“Are you trying to kill us,” I shout holding on to the car handle. 
“Relax, it’ll be fun, I gotta stop by my friends house,” He says. He laughs as he seems my human skittish side scared of him driving recklessly. He lives in a trailer, it’s not bad, he fixed it up. We walk up to the house. 
“Whose there,” he says.
“Open the door dickhead,” Roman jokes. 
“Oh it’s your dumb ass,” he says opening the door. 
“Ollie,” I say surprised. 
“Hope, what you doing here,” he said surprised as me. 
“I liked the place, you fixed it up yourself.” I asked. 
“Yeah, I’ve been alone here for awhile,” he says. 
“Well, come in,” he says. I follow behind Roman. I look around, examining the trailer. It was actually decent. It was clean and organized. 
“Roman’s my best friend, I grew up with him,” he explains. 
“Awe, you guys are so cute,” I say looking at their pictures. 
“Yeah, he’s my only friend,” Roman adds. I forgot I was holding Roman’s hand. I let it go when I notice Ollie look at us. 
“So you and Roman a thing now,” he joked. 
“Um.” I look at Roman. 
“Kinda,” he squints his eyes. 
“Yeah,” I agreed.
He looks at us seeing us look at each other. 
“So, whatcha do all day,” he smiles. 
“Why do you asked all these questions,” he asked. 
“Just wanna know if she’s single,” he says. 
“What ?,” Roman said upset and confused. 
“Just playing,” he says and winks at me. 
“Your funny,” I laugh. He gives Roman a hug. 
“Your bromance is so adorable,” I play around with Roman. 
“Shut up,” he said. I just laughed. We hung here for awhile. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I look at my teeth as my fangs went back to normal. I come out to listen to there conversation. 
“Do you love her,” Ollie asked. 
“I don’t know, I don’t know what love is,” he replies. 
“I’m not going to end my ways, but I don’t wanna hurt her,” he sits down. 
“I think you do, but you can’t admit it,” Ollie says. 
“Look, I can’t answer that, I like her enough that I can’t let her get hurt,” he says. I felt as he was breaking up with me but not really. 
“I like her too,” he tells him. 
“You what ?,” he said. 
“Don’t to anything to her that would hurt her, I don’t wanna hurt you.” 
“Is that a threat,” Roman gets off the couch. I walk in the room before anything goes off from there.
“Roman, I gotta get home,” I say. 
“Bye, Ollie,” I give him a friendly hug. 
“Bye, Hope,” he says. 
“Bye, Roman,” he waves. Roman looks at him angrily. 
“Bye,” he closes the door. We arrive at my house a quarter to nine. I give him a hug goodbye and go inside the house. He stares at me through the car window and watches me again. And pulls off. 
“Hey, sweetie you have fun with that boy,” my mom asked. 
“You be careful, His a Irving,” she says. 
“Um yeah, imma go upstairs and lie down,” I say confused. 
“Okay, goodnight,” she continues to wash the dishes. 
My phone starts ringing. It’s Jessica. 
“Hello,” I say. 
“So, How was it,” she says. 
“How was what ?,” I asked. 
“You and Roman, what did y’all do,” she asked. I lie on my bed, closing my eyes, replaying what happen. 
“We hung out, and stop at Ollie’s,” I tell her. 
“Ollie, why wasn’t I invited.”she giggles. 
“Yeah, sorry,” I laugh. We continue talking about her day and video chat showing her dog, a German Shepherd. I hang up the phone. I stare at my ceiling wondering if I cause a eruption between two best friends. And I went off to bed. 

                        Pg. 16

“Hope, I have to go off to work, lock the house since there’s no school today and your at home. I see you at nine, hopefully I get off early,” she shouts and leaves. She works at a bakery in town. 
“Okay,” I yelled. I hear the door shut. I look at my phone. Miss calls from Jessica. I call her back. 
“Hey, you answered I was wondering if you wanted to go to carnival,” she says. 
“Great, I’d love to, what time,” I asked. 
“Can we make it a double date,” she asked. 
“Um, why ?,” I asked annoyed. 
“I just need a date, I don’t wanna third wheel,” she says. 
“You weren’t suppose be third wheeling, I thought it was just us,” I said. 
“It was, But I was trying to get in touch with you, and end up inviting Roman,” she says nervously like I was about to choke her through the phone. 
“Really, it’s fine, you can go with Ollie, now your not third wheeling,” I suggested. 
“Yes !, I mean cool,” she says. We say goodbye and hang up the phone. 
I get up and grab me a bowl of cereal. I look at the back window, hoping whatever was haunting me comes out the woods. My crazy dreams stop. A hear a knock on the door. I open the door. It was Roman. 
“Hey, I’m guessing you wanna come in,” I say. 
“Yeah,” he says. 
“You look tired,” I say. He falls down. 
“Roman,” I shouted. I carried him to the couch. 
“Roman what’s wrong with you,” I say concerned. I prop him up on the couch and notice he was bleeding on his wrist. I grab his arm to see cuts on his wrist. 
“Your trying to kill yourself,” I said angrily. He ignores me. 
“Why are you doing this to yourself.”
“You wouldn’t understand,” he says. 
“Maybe I could if you just talk to me,” I was pissed.  I grab his face. His eyes were droopy as if he was drugged up. 
“Roman, just be honest with me,” I tell him. I go in the kitchen and grab a wash cloth. I place it on his wrist back and forth every five seconds. 
“It’s to early for this.” Do you have a place that eases you we can go there.”
“Yeah, there’s one place, I grew up around,” he says. I pick him up and we sit in the car. 
“Roman are you using drugs.”
“Just cocaine,”
“And ?,” I say. 
“Thats it I think,” he sounded high. 
“Thats it, your ridiculous,” I crossed my arms again. It’s a habit I use to do when I was upset. I can’t stop. It’s childish I know. 
“Can we just go,” He said. 
“Yeah, whatever.” We ride to a meadow. It was actually beautiful. It was full of flowers and it was quiet and peaceful. We get out and walk to the meadow. We lay there, smelling the air.  
“Your not alone, you know,” I say. He glares at me then stares at the sky. 
“I know you hate to express your feelings,” I say. 
“Do you ever stop trying,” he laughs. 
“I can’t help it,” I laugh. 
“Look, a can’t express anything, I have no feelings sometimes,” he explained. 
                    Pg. 17
“Everybody does, your just scared,” I turn around. I didn’t mean to sound exactly like Ollie. I look at the blue sky, watching the clouds slowing apart each other. I look at Roman, looking like his finally calm. I laugh as I get on top of him. 
“Your strange, but that’s what I like about you, your different.” He looks at me. 
“What do you mean,” he asked. 
“My past relationships, I never felt like this. Your relatable and your real. But you have problems.I never met a guy who’s like you.” I lean down and kiss him. His soft plump lips seemed calm. He wasn’t a vampire then. He felt human. 
“Are you gonna fix my problems,” he says. 
“I dunno, am I,” I giggle. He grabs my waist and began kissing me back. Have you ever fell in love with somebody cause you thought they would change. That’s what I was doing, falling for him. I was hoping he could change. He stares intensely. The hot sun beat down on us, reflecting off the wet grass and half blinding me. Roman grabbed me by the hand and sprinted for a clump of trees near the cliffs, about ten yards away. 
And he’s kissing me. Once, twice, until I’ve had a taste and realize I’ll never have enough. He’s everywhere up my back and over my arms and suddenly he’s kissing me harder, deeper, with a fervent urgent need I’ve never known before. He bent down, his lips against my cheek, brushing it lightly—and still that light touch sent shivers through my nerves, shivers that made my whole body tremble. "If you want me to stop, tell me now," he whispered. When I still said nothing, he brushed his mouth against the hollow my temple. "Or now." He traced the line of my cheekbone. "Or now." His lips were against mines.
                  Pg. 18

“Would you let me bite you,” he asked. 
“Really, you kinda blew the moment,” I laugh. 
“It’ll be quick, I promise it won’t hurt,” he says. 
“You promise,” I say. 
“Pinky promise,” he pulls out his pinky. We link pinky’s as he softly kisses me again. 
“Alright, I trust you.” I move my hair to the side, and tilt my neck. 
“Do it,” I say. He opens he jaw wide and sticks his fangs into my neck. 
I grab the ground, to get comfortable as it stung a little. It felt satisfying. I couldn’t help to moan a little, though the feeling felt good. He releases off my neck. 
“Did it hurt,” he said wiping his mouth. 
“Not as much,” We start laughing. 
“I bet you did this to all the girls,” I say. 
“Not really, I usually end up killing them,” he laughs. I hit him playfully. 
“Don’t say that, you’ll kill the mood.” I feel my neck and the marks disappeared. I look up at the tree in front of us. I spot names carved into it. 
“This is so cute,” I show him as I leap off him. 
“You wanna carve your name,” he asked. 
“Yeah, sure,” I say. 
He walks to a bigger tree. I follow. 
“You can carve it here,” he says. 
“This was always my favorite,” he says placing his hand on the tree. 
“Roman, really,” I say.” 
“No, go head,” he said. He gives me a knife from his left pocket. I looked at him for one last approval, and carve my name. I was about to give him his pocket knife back, but I decided to do one last thing. 
“What are you doing,” he says. 
“Carving your name, it’s both of our tree,” I say. “Your not alone, and I’m not either.” He looks at me and shakes his head. I just smile. 
“Roman + Hope.” I wrote. He looks happy, but angry. If that makes sense. I could start reading his emotions, like an open book. He was just, I don’t know. 
“What time do we go to the carnival,” he asked. 
“Around eight,” I guessed. 
“Can you call Ollie to see if he could come,” I asked. 
“What, why,” he acted strangely again. 
“Because, Jessica wanted him to come,” I say. 
“Oh, then yeah,” he says. 
“What did you think I was talking about,” I questioned him, hoping he’d tell me. 
“Nothing,” he said. 

                         Pg. 19

We leave the meadow and get in the car. 
“I gotta babysit sapphire,” he says. I don’t mind and nod as I watch us leave the meadow. And we drive back to the house. 
“Shit, I left the keys in the house,” he says. 
“Cool, I’ll open it,” I say. He grabs my hand and pulls me away. 
“No more breaking my doors,” he said. He pushes the emergency button and the door opens. 
“Roman,” she shouted and ran towards him, leaping to his arms. 
“Hey, what you doing in here,” he says. 
“Drawling, you wanna see,” she asked. 
“Um, I can’t right now,” he says.  
“What about you,” she says. 
“Oh, me I -
“Okay,” she pulls me upstairs to here room before I could finish my sentence. 
“She shows me a picture of a vampire she drew. She had brown hair, she was hugging a werewolf who was in the ground, like it was dying. The girl looked a lot like me. 
“I dreamed about her, she reminds me of you, she’s pretty,” she says finishing the picture. 
“That’s a cool picture, but imma head downstairs,”  I said. She follows me downstairs. We sit on the couch while Roman is in the kitchen. We talk about her hobbies and things she likes and wants to do in life. 
“And always wanted to bake a cake,” she said. 
“Well, you can do it now,” I say 
“I can,” she says confused. 
“Yes, What’s stopping you,” I say. We head to the kitchen. I grab the eggs, milk, and a couple of things to mixed with. I get her to help. 
“What are you guys doing,” he says. 
“Making a cake,“ she says excited. I love her eyes light up when she’s happy. We stir the bowl and end up playing around. She picks up the spoon real fast and the mix hit Roman in the face as he walks in. Me and her look at each other. And began laughing. 
“Oh, you guys think it’s funny,” Roman walks over grabs some of the mixed and throws it all over my face. 
“Roman,” I was surprise. I drop the the mixer and threw some more at him, and so did sapphire. We ended up having a food fight. The kitchen was a mess. Sapphire washed up and fell asleep. I went washed her hair. 
“Thank you, Hope,” she says. 
“For getting my you  messy,” I laughed. 
“No, she laughed. For making today the funniest day ever,” she says. 
“Awe, your surely welcome,” I finish combing out her hair and give her a hug, and put her in the bed. 

                         Pg. 20


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