The Reality Of How Fake You Are
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
We all live under a black light. Until someone comes along a flips the switch. Oh, that’s what we really look like? If anyone even remembers… Today’s society is filled with an overwhelming amount of opinionated voices. Like-minded groups are polarized for no reason. People today, instead of developing their own sense of individuality through real world experience and consequences, now can design the content of their personalities and make it available for others to assess. Then, based off of the reaction, they form their own optimized version of who they want the world to see them as. Not who they really are. With each post they ask themselves who they are, experiment with profiles differing from the one they assume in the “real world.” They alienate others who do not share in their extreme views of escalating matters by being judgmental and/or hypocritical. We are in an age where society has an infinite amount of knowledge and information, literally at their fingertips. It is a blessing that most take for granted and do not use responsibly. My objective with others is to make others think. I try to not force my views on another person, though it can seem as though I do at times. I learn through debate and am passionate about the issues I discuss. It feels as though I stand alone in this world at times, as one who aims to make others less shallow and morally better. Simply by engaging them to make them think. With the neglect of thought in today’s society, there comes a natural level of mistrust in it as well. Things that we aren’t comfortable relying on can create doubt when it is used less frequently. We are raised and educated to think not as individuals, but as part of a group to learn and develop cohesiveness. We are convinced that the strength is in numbers and not in the creativity of the sovereign individual. Questioning authority or previous belief systems is not for the common good of all, but a radical view of the irrational, corrupt and/or selfish person. For an idea comes from the individual and when ideas are left unattended, people start to listen more, instead of talking. That’s when change ignites. Systems nowadays seem built to rob a man of his self-confidence and his own way of thinking. Arguing with feminists isn’t standing up for yourself, it is the re-emergence of patriarchy in their eyes. Their rightful opinion is not valued, but judged as its intention being twisted in order to suppress women and their “equality.” One is better off remaining silent to avoid the attack on themselves and their once strong and respected voice. Ultimately, resulting in the loss of confidence in his way of thought. Resulting not in equality, but rather a transfer of power. The overwhelming amount of information that you can not ever find the time to learn eventually causes a person to give up. It can leave them with the feeling as though it’s an impossible effort to know all the facts in today’s world. It forces one to pick and choose, with what little time is available, what opinions to jump from to form another opinion. Never devoting enough time to fact check, let alone think about an issue thoroughly. More facts and less opinions. This is what the world needs. Yes, opinions lead to new, exciting, and innovative ideas. They spark the debate needed for change to ignite. All the information we have is being turned into gossip, which not surprisingly, requires less thought. There is only one thing for thoughts to do in this world, and that is in adapting itself to facts. “I think, therefore I am.” The truest statement ever recorded…the less we think, the more we are slowly killing our own existence and individuality. It is safe to say that the suicide of our civilization is in progress. Which is something you have been too distracted to even notice, let alone think about. Einstein was right in fearing the day when technology surpasses human intelligence. The only way to restore it is to be truth seeking individuals with the confidence to pursue recklessly courageous thought. But, that diminishes by the nanosecond as artificial intelligence supremely reigns as spirituality drifts off. Our individualism is being lost. True meaning in relationships will soon be a thing of the past. Those who corrupt others need to be exposed. Leaving them to sabotage themselves in desperation as they will resort to cowardice acts, per their nature. In the end, forcing them to be held accountable for their decisions and actions. As they should. People are not being held accountable anymore for what they do. For what they say. For how their actions and decisions affect others. It is the silent people unwilling to expose themselves to ridicule who are the weakest. The ones who will talk down on posts like this. Posting your opinions, as you then move on to less meaningful activities. The most powerful weapon one can have is their words through the gifts of speech and writing. Communication skills are being lost. Proper research and fact checking turns ideas into moving opinions that have the ability to ignite movements. Ones able to impact regions in a positive way. The only positive thing that comes from any of this is the positive reinforcement we get from people’s reactions. Unfortunately, it creates an individual addicted to responses and attention instead of a natural hunger for knowledge and growth.