Tears Of The Morn Read Count : 147

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
How do we live,
Without the tears
The many shed,
Throughout the years,
How do you know,
The thoughts I keep
The many fears, I fear in sleep.
How can you know the pain I've seen.
How people be so cruel and mean.
How do you sleep at night I say.
When all you do is haunt the day.
How can't you see
What you can be
If only you do it today.


  • Heartfelt Poetry

    Heartfelt Poetry

    im 13 and i love writing poems so i hope u like this one

    Jan 26, 2018

  • Nice job. Well done! 💜

    Jan 26, 2018

  • .

    Jan 28, 2018

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