The Bus Read Count : 137

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
This was the worst place in the world. Well maybe not but it did seem like it to this girl, everyone there was the reason why she hated herself. She had a few good friends but they didn't stop the bulling, she wanted it to stop she really did. All she ever wanted was a calm bus ride but that never came true, not even on her first day. This boy, Gene was the problem he had a crew that always bullied her. One day... after 3 school years of her being bullied she packed a knife, this was her cutting knife she used it to cut herself. She went on the bus ready for this afternoon, she went to school really ready she didn't even hear her teachers all day. That afternoon on the bus she saw him and walked up to him as everyone was getting on. She was swift, pulling the knife and stabbing him 34 times and everyone was screaming and even trying to pull her off. When she was finally done she stepped back to see him she was very happy to see him torn to pieces. Reality hit her that she just killed a kid, she balled into tears, crying, realizing that the cops were right there. She gave herself up and didn't struggle, she knew what she did and hated herself even more. But to know that he'll never hurt anyone else was the only thing keeping her sean. 


  • heh I wrote this on my bus >UÎ

    Jan 25, 2018

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