Meet Rod Rosenstein Read Count : 113

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
It just broke that James Comey testified before Congress that he had requested additional staff and money for the FBI's Russia-Trump investigation.

Who did he make this request to?

Rod Rosenstein, Asst Attorney General who took office just two weeks ago. Comey could not ask Roesenstein's boss, Jeff Sessions, because Sessions had to recuse himself from this investigation because he was one of the Trump team members who met and spoke with the Russians during the campaign.

Fake President's team is denying that Comey made the request for staff and money. Is Comey crazy? Or is the Fake President's team lying yet again? If true, this would destroy the Fake President's claim that he did not fire Comey due to his investigation into Russia-Trump collusion.

Hey, what's that rotten smell? 

Treason? Obstruction of justice?

Hard to tell since there has been an overriding stench around the White House since Fake President moved his ego driven, corrupt and inept circus of horrors  of an administration into office. SAD!

Fake President needs jail time. LOCK HIM UP!!!


  • Erica D

    Erica D

    couldn't agree more! lock him up! lock him up!

    May 10, 2017

  • May 10, 2017

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