Under The Sea
Read Count : 130
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
This is a story about three mermaid friends named Aquata,Araxie,and Andrea.They are on a journey to find queen Olompyia to help them wish for one thing to save Aquata's mother that's trapped in the seashell of doom. They have to face a lot of obstacles to grant one wish. CHAPTER 1 our hunt begins When I was a young child. My mother always used to do everything with me. We used to sing,dance,play together but know my life is crushed. One day she found a seashell she thought it was beautiful so she bought it home. After she bought it home she took it with her to her room at night that's when I heard a loud scream and I swam in her room and I found nobody. I did see the shell glowing and vibrating so I picked it up and I heard someone saying "Free me to do that you must grant a wish from queen Olompyia wish to set me free"! That's when I realized My mother was telling me to find queen Olompyia the power full mermaid that grants wishes for whoever finds her. I need some help so I told Araxie and Andrea to pack there stuff and that's when our hunt begins. CHAPTER 2 the scary forest On our way to the seaweed forest it was dark and gloomy I was so scared but Araxie was the brave one she actually packed a flash fish on the way to help us see in the dark"Did you see that I told I was always prepared."said Araxie."Ya your so right when did you ever be prepared huh"Andrea shouted sarcastically.I got so mad so I shouted"stop you guys you are so loud and you need to keep it down you know will sharks appear at night here". On our way to the seaweed forest it we saw Dragonfishies they were so scary one move they will attack you."Ahhhhhhhh is it me or I'm I seeing dragonfish"screamed Andrea." Oh come on it's not that scary your such a scaredy cat Andrea"Araxie said confidentially."Ok I gotta admit that I am a scaredy cat but still that was mean"Andrea said in a mad way. Then after that argument ended the dragonfish spotted us because my friends were too loud. So we had to fight. Mermaids actually have powers. Araxie has fire,Andrea has plants,and I Aquata have ice. We used our powers on the fish to fight I told Andrea to grow some seaweed to tangle the fish. I told Araxie to use her power of fire to scare the fish away because dragon fish live in the dark they don't like light so she used fire to make light and they ran away. I used my powers to freeze them and finally they were gone. We continued our journey and it was pretty fine out of the forest we reached a small mermaid town called aska's reef I've heard about this place it's bad like real bad. CHAPTER 3 Aska's Reef As we walked past all the villagers there skin was grey,there hair was wild,and they never spoke. At that point were Andrea started to get anxiety attaks "You guys this is not going very well"Andrea said while shivering. "Andrea chill" said Araxie "I'm scared I don't know what's happening I feel down"Andrea said softly.Andrea's anxiety attacks are not so bad she can control them sometimes but sometimes don't even get me started. We past vortex street and the next street we were entering did not look like a great sign. We kept going until this lady comes up to us and said "help help I'm being hunted by Aska's palace gaurds!". She was not an old lady she was a girl that was probably 19 or 18 but still we had to help her after all she is pretty young we can't just leave her and let them take we gotta do something.