Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Make A Major Decision Read Count : 138

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Sub Category : LifeStyle
How do you evaluate if a decision you are making is good or not? There are certainly unknowns you cannot foresee, but these questions will get you started in making quality decisions. You can add more according to your own situations.

How will this decision affect my family, other relationships, important priorities, etc?

If it is a new or extra job I am considering, is there any other way to make the extra money or cut expenses to free up money?

Will my spiritual life become neglected if I go through with what I am planning? It is easy to make promises to oneself that this won't happen, but promises are easily broken for many reasons. You can see this in the amount of resolutions that are broken each year. You can't see your spiritual side, so it is easy to ignore, sometimes until it is too late.

Why am I making this decision now? Could I think about it more, perhaps from different angles, before I commit to an answer? When I was growing up, my family said they would "sleep on it" if a big decision was needed. Your subconscious mind works while you sleep about what has happened in your life. Sometimes we are too_____to make a good decision at the moment. So we get rest and things may be more clear when we awaken.

Am I making this decision as a knee-jerk reaction to something that happened recently? Am I doing it while I am too angry or frustrated or hurt or whatever? Take time when your emotions have settled to evaluate what you are about to do.

Do I have another option available if my decision doesn't work out? I knew a man who got a new job that offered more money, but it turned out to be more stressful, and he hated it. What will you do if your new decision doesn't work out? It is better to figure that out now, than to wait until there is no money coming in and consequences are piling up.

Am I making this decision to try to prove something, to spite a person, or otherwise maybe hurt someone? 

How will I see this decision when I look back someday from the future? Will I regret this or be glad?

How does this decision fit into the plan for my life? Is it a side path or on the highway toward what I really want to accomplish in my life? If you have not done it already, set a plan for your life, and evaluate each decision as to how it relates to that purpose. You can find out more about this subject from a book called Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend. It may be at your local library. Other resources are also at the library to research your purpose and all kinds of jobs. Access the research librarian and you will get some valuable help.

If you want to find the best purpose for your life, God is there to help you and give you wisdom in all your decisions. Take time to study the Bible and get close to him. He knows best what purpose will give you meaning in your existence. He loves you unconditionally!

What questions can you add to this blog that will help you? Think before you speak and act, and your life will turn out much better.


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