The Day My Dad Died. Read Count : 119

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
The day was February 11, 2016 we were in Huston TX and the hospital for his second leg amputation and his open heart surgery. Before the surgery my dad gave me a hug and said I love you and gave me his watch and stuffed animals. At that point my mom knew there was something wrong. The day was long and tiring. It felt like a thousand years before the doctor came out with the bad news. During the surgery I was praying, my mom was praying, and we had everyone else praying that he would be okay. When the doctor came out he took us to the back room and told us the bad news. The doctor said, "I'm sorry he was living off the little bit of oxygen from the machine; I'm sorry, he passed away shortly after." I was trying to stay strong for my mom but I couldn't hold the tears in they just started flowing out all at the same time. The doctor to us to a room so we can see him one last time. He was as cold as ice it made me very upset I just looked at him and gave him a hug and kiss then said I Love You Daddy. Mom took his wedding ring off and put it in her pocket. And we left.


  • Thank you

    Jan 11, 2018

  • It's sad! If this is true I'm so sorry! Stay strong!

    Jan 11, 2018

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