Let Me In 😔
Read Count : 259
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Everyday I go to school seeing one of my freinds so sad, I always try to help him out by encouraging him. But he never listens. He just tells me that he has the worst life. And sometimes based on what he tells me I believe him. Saying that his uncle died, his parents fight, his girlfriend dumped him because he was so dopey and he doesnt have a lot of freinds. He never lets me help him and I can only whatch him suffer. Yet when I get home it gets worse. My parents fight a lot, my mom doesnt respect me the way I want her to and sometimes get abused (not badly just like spanked "hard" a lot when I dont listen to everything she says or i even ask a simple question why), most my freinds do respect me and lie/deciet me, and the worst part is I have no one like me trying to comfort me. So when ever I see my freind all mopey and sad I try to be like the freind I want who is actually worried about me. Unlike him I dont have a lot of people who care enough to comfort me like I do him and sometimes the only thing I do is cry and hope things get better. Im sorry you had to hear this its just I had to let this out so I didnt go crazy. If you read to the end thank you and this means you like hearing about other peoples problems and you care for others. Never change.
Fresh Meat And Beef Stick Productions
i know how you feel and i don't like talking about my emotion because there are ppl who have it worse than me, so i always think "why should i make ppl worry bout me, my problems could be nothing compared to theirs" and i just hold it in until i break and it's gotten to the point where when i do try to explain my siblings blow it off.. dont make the same mistake i did, correction, still do make. let ppl help you, and maybe ur friend doesnt lwt u in for the same reasons i dont let ppl in. all i can say is to keep gently pushing until they lwt u in, obviously not randomly, but when they look upset... sry for the long comment..😛
Sep 06, 2017