Undead Prophecy - The Queen Of The Dead
Read Count : 203
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
After how many years I had finally broken the chains that bound me to this world. The Styxian Lineage has finally ended through me. My name is Illia, Daughter and first born of the Sepulcher, princess of the undead and master of Castle Schrade and I have returned. Chapter 1 Homecoming (A beautiful naked girl with long Violet hair and red eyes, is kneeling on the gray corrupted soil) Girl* The time has come... For me to return home. (A mask floats around her and spoke in an Eerie demonic male voice) Mask* Illia you have surpassed your father... And not just that, you have suppressed my control towards you. Illia* I am the daughter of Amodeus Mirabilis Demi. Last descendant of the great Styx. Nothing is impossible for me. (The mask nudged her into getting up) Mask* Get up... I have a task for you... (Illia slowly stands and her hair flows with the wind) (Darkness then envelopes her, clothing her in Dark robes and black feathered wings sprout from her back) Illia* What is it? Mask* I sense my kin in distress... And a powerful surge of energy exists somewhere, equalling that of your father. Illia* Then it must be father... I'm sure he has missed me. Mask* What makes you so sure? (Illia walks towards the dark trees and into the mist) Illia* Because I'm his daughter that's why... (The mask scoffs and laughed) Mask* Irony... Illia* Let us go. (Illia took her time in getting through the thick forest) Mask* Why don't you fly and use the wings I have given you? Illia* I am a Styxian and i don't need wings. (The floating mask stopped for a moment and stared blankly into the deep forest) Mask* There is something here... (Illia materializes a long halberd with a scythe on the side) Illia* I'm ready... (From out of the bushes an exhausted Witch carrying an unconscious demon went through) Illia* Aunt Mavelle!? And uncle Balrog! What happened? Mavelle* Illia? You are alive!? We thought you have been dead... Its been many years. Your father has been worried sick... Illia* Aunt Mavelle what happened? (Mavelle pointing outside the forest) Mavelle* The praetorian guard betrayed us... And your father- Illia* What about dad? Mavelle* I think you should see for yourself... (The floating mask appeared and startled Mavelle) Mavelle* Xyphas! You devil! You did this! Xyphas* Me? You thought wrong... I was not behind the actions of Renue... Mavelle* You knew! (The ground beneath Mavelle shook and the trees around her began to die as her anger builds up) (Xyphas laughs and the mask breaks and re attached itself back together as if mocking her) Xyphas* My plans were also ruined by Renue, my followers did not find me... This girl did. Illia* Whats happening? Who is Renue? (The wind howls) Xyphas* The praetorian guard assigned to protect the orb of annihilation. And let me guess... He used it on the undead. Mavelle* Not just the undead... He used it on everyone and everything that stood in His way... Xyphas* So that was the power I've felt. Illia we have to kill Renue... He will offset the balance of power. Illia* Time to put what I have learned to good use. (Illia left Mavelle and the unconscious Balrog, as she rushes back to the land of Styx) Mavelle* Illia wait! (Illia Withdrew her weapon and hid herself under the black robe she wears) (Illia bursts out of the woods and into an isolated town of humans) Illia* Humans... Its been quite awhile since the last I've heard of them. Xyphas* Worry not, for this will not be the last. (A group of Human soldiers are on the road as if holding a blockade) Illia* The military is here... But why? Xyphas* They must be here looking for your relatives. Illia* (Aunt Mavelle and Uncle Balrog) I wonder what happened... (Xyphas and Illia carefully treads to avoid detection) (A human guard noticed Illia sticking out from the crowd and immediately called her attention) Xyphas* We are off to a bad start aren't we? (Illia clenches her teeth and slowly faced the human officer then walked towards him) (The officer brought her into a private room for inspection) Human officer* Who are you? Take your hood off... Illia* ... (Illia slowly took the hood off) Human Officer* Name, Race, And planet of Origin. Illia* Sylvan Illia Melle, Styxian, Styx. Human officer* Your name sounds familiar... -Gasps- The Wanted criminal who murdered the Knight at -Balland Mural Academy- (Illia did not hesitate and drew her concealed dagger and immediately subjugated the Human officer) Illia* Any last words Human? (Illia holds the dagger at the guards neck) Human officer* Wait don't kill me... I-i'm on your side. (Xyphas appeared from within the black cloak illia is wearing) Xyphas* On our side? Human officer* Yes we are the resistance. (Illia Slowly retracted the knife) Illia* Resistance? Speak! Tell me what is happening! Human officer* My name is Guilin and I'm a commanding officer at the Order Army. Xyphas* The order, Aren't you a slave of Renue? Guilin* Renue was tasked to protect the Orb of Annihilation from the demons. Being a praetorian race, Demi entrusted it to him. But Renue harbored vengeance on the undead, he used the opportunity to take the Orb and wiped out the undeads for good. Xyphas* This is getting interesting... (A sudden knock on the door startled them all) Voice from the outside* Is everything alright sir? You've been gone awhile. Guilin* Everything is fine, keep patrolling. Voice from the outside* Yes sir! Guilin* But that's not all Renue did... He unleashed the orb on those who tried to stop him. Our history with the Undead is a bad one. But Demi as the Sepulcher was the one thing that kept the undeads from laying waste on all the other races. Illia* Then I assume father is dead? Guilin* Most likely... The order has been split into two factions. The one who submitted to Renue and the one who didn't. That's us. Illia* Why are you in this village? Guilin* We are protecting the people here on Malazar. Illia* Malazar... (I remember meeting uncle Benelan here.) Guilin* We are also gathering people who would stand up against Renue... The human race is already there, With overwhelming numbers and the power of the battle mechs it will be possible for us to take him down. Xyphas* Then why didn't you? Guilin* Because he has an army of His own, And that's what worries me, he called all the praetorian race to come to Styx. That's why the order needs all the help they can get. He will commit genocide if we lose in the engagement. Xyphas* He used the "Star portal"? I've never liked your race. Illia* How come you know more than I do in whats happening? Xyphas* While you were training in the darklands, I've gathered information from whatever demon, fiend or monster that's out there. You see, I was also planning my own invasion. Illia* I'm sure in your state you wouldn't be able to. Xyphas* Unfortunate coincidence... Guilin* We must go to the order... These people will welcome you. Xyphas* What do you think? Illia* I might find out about the things I've missed while away. I think it sounds good, Tell them... The princess is coming.