Sweet Apple
Read Count : 107
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
Wow look at the big Sweet Apple up the hill. Now that I see the sweet Apple up the hill tryna see how long it's going to take me to get to the sweet Apple. Down and out just dnt know where to start but I can say I see where I stand but it's so far away up the hill. What should I say to the Sweet Apple up the hill when I get there.... All I See n Hear n Feel is cold hearted. Now that I know that I look around and up n down for a shine or a sign of Hope n Faith....I take a deep breath and start marching up the hill. One step at a time I sang a song as I make my way up the hill." ALL I HAVE IS ME AND NOBODY TO HOLD ME BACK FROM MY DREAMS... Tears start come down my face and I say it's so cold... I walk and walk now it start to get light out and lighter I look up to see the sun shining and it feels like it a spot light shining on me telling me I'm gone make it through this life this year on my own..... Saying you can do it that Sweet Apple is not to far now..... Now I'm there at the Sweet Apple and I grad it and than I get the feel of great life is head like my path to a good future.....