Sunny Shores: Scenes 5-6 Read Count : 105

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
Scene 5

Alex made his way through the abandoned building he knew where he was going, and he could tell with a 99% guarantee who had the stolen purse.  Her name is Heather a homeless girl his age they met one day on the street and became close ever since.   He finally makes his way to the back of the dimly lit building finding a make shift bedroom and sees Heather digging through the purse pulling out items one by one and counting the money.

"I could hear you a mile away" The young blonde haired girl says without turning around.  "What brings you back my way?"

"you stole a ladies purse, she wants her stuff back."

"Why don't you just take the purse I'll put the things back just let me keep the money and she can take it all back even the credit card."

"You know that can't happen Heather" Alex says a little anger starting to seep into his voice."

"But this is the way I have to survive!, I have no one. people don't care about people like me."

Alex places a comforting hand on her shoulder.  "Heather I care about you, I've liked you since the day we met! I want to help you. I can bring you stuff whatever you need!"

Heather turns around to face him getting a little angry herself and pushes him away. "Why would you care? what is it that you see in me Alex? I just some homeless girl but you're from this rich family in a nice house you wear nice clothes.  You have a great life and someday you will forget about me and find someone much better."

"That isn't true at all, just let me show you let me help you out. I'm not my family at all! I'm just a person and just like anyone else and I care about you, you're special to me. Please just give me the purse back and let me bring you some things later. I'll bring you food, clothes or whatever you need. This isn't you.....It doesn't have to be you okay?"

"Okay, just take the purse take everything."

"I'll see you back in five!" Alex excitedly runs through the building and makes his way through a back door running through the empty lot and onto the main street. He finally makes his way back to Joy's place purse in hand. He comes running through the door.  He starts panting as he presents the purse to Janey.

"There you go madame! I told you I would get your purse back.

"Thanks! I owe you a big one!" Janey says and gives him a quick hug. "You're a real life saver."

Alex walks up to the counter "Hey Joy I need to order some food give me a couple slices of pizza and two cola's" 

"I'll get that for you as soon as I can" Joy walks back into the kitchen and starts working on his orders and getting her staff working on the many other ones waiting.  20 minutes later Alex has his food and walks back outside to meet up again with Heather.

Scene 6

Carolyn sits at a desk in her room in uncomfortable silence as she drinks from her bottle of wine. This life of hers has had many ups and downs. She remembers the first time she met her husband Richard and how much of a gentleman he was, how charming and funny. He wasn't always like this, he can be kind and nice she thinks to himself. But sometimes people change, maybe the job changed him or perhaps he was always like this.  

She hears a noise behind her and turns around. Standing in the doorway is her eldest child, her daughter Tiffany. Looking at her worried.  She knows her daughter can see how intoxicated she is, suddenly she feels embarrassed. Her daughter gets a sympathetic look in her eyes.

"Mom......why do you keep doing this?

"Because this isn't the life I wanted or hoped for my dear child, this is what happens when marriages keep going and going and going."

"Mom just please put the bottle down, just stop doing this to yourself. You know dad has had a bad day at work."

"Please, just let me be for now, why do you try and be so much like him? people like your father they just destroy the things they claim they care about.  That isn't you inside."

"I......I don't know why but that isn't what I do, just wait till he calms down, things will be better you'll see."

"Oh dear, your father has such a hold on you.  I am worried about you....and this family."

Tiffany doesn't say anything, doesn't know how to respond. She just walks out the door lost in thought. Is she becoming to much like him? she doesn't think so but she has always been driven. She always gets what she wants.  But is that so bad?

Carolyn listens ti the footsteps of her daughter trail down the hall as she thinks to herself "Someday Richard will get what is coming to him, one way or another.


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