Sunny Shores Scenes 3-4 Read Count : 139

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
Scene 3

Alex Tremayne sits at a table taking in the atmosphere at Joy's Place.  He loves this restaurant,  There is always people here, great food,  He was supposed to meet a few friends here but they bailed, now he is sitting by himself for not at least, feeling kinda annoyed that his friends weren't able to make it. 

He is a typical sixteen year old, likes girls, likes hanging out and having fun.  But he has a big heart and different from the rest in his family. He comes from a wealthy family, the Treymane's are one of the wealthiest in the area, his father is a lawyer, a highly skilled and most sought after one. He has a bad side though and often hides it behind fake pleasantries. His mother does her best to put up with him. She is conniving and can be a liar, but she married into a family she despises and does what she has to survive among their peers.  His sister tries to be like their father and looks up to him.  Alex well, he just can't wait to get away from the whole thing.

He downs his cola and hops up from his table, walking over to the counter to order another one.  Joy wanders over to him with her trademark smile and he orders another one. "Right away she says" with a grin and walks away, returning moments later with another glass full in hand.  Suddenly a woman comes in pretty angry about something, it's the same person he saw talking to Joy just a few minutes ago. He listens to them talk about  how someone just stole her purse.

"Oh Janey you poor thing! I can't believe that happened to you!"

"what am I going to do? All my stuff was in that purse, all my money! I am completely broke now till I get my first pay check!"

Alex perks up listening in on the conversation, "I can help you" he says in a upbeat voice. 

"You can help me?"

"I can I promise I will have all of your purse back within the hour" With that Alex darts out of the restaurant and pushes through the people. He knows exactly where he is going.

Scene 4

Meanwhile at the Tremayne house Richard is sitting in his study just got done arguing on the phone, his job can drive him crazy sometimes he has spent the last few hours arguing about a recent court case that turned sour. Sometimes he don't know how much he can take.

His wife Carolyn  enters the room, He can smell the liquor on her breath. This is what he feels he has to put up with every day.   His family why must they always do things like this to him? is it to much to ask that these people act with some class and dignity?

" What are you doing Carolyn? are you drunk already? What is going on with you? You know you embarrassed me last night the way you were drinking, the way you acted!"

"I drink because of you, you bastard! I am so sick of this.....all this! we used to have passion once, we used to care for each other! "

"I have a position in this community!, this family has to represent the area, this isn't fun and games you know this right?!"

Richard feeling the rage build inside himself grabs  Carolyn by the shoulders and shakes her hard. "What I need you to do my dear wife is get a hold of yourself, sober up and stop acting like some child for once do you hear me?"

"I hear you, trust me loud and clear but one of these days I will leave you, I'll be gone and you can just go find yourself another pretty woman that will just hand off your arm."  Carolyn turns around and begins storming out the door.

"You listen to this Carolyn you leave me, you won't get anything you got that! I will kick you out on the street!"

Richard listens to his wife stomp up the steps sobbing and he slams his door shut as hard as he can.  This isn't something he can put up with right now, he has other things on his mind.


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