Trump Poisoning Our Environment
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
President Circus Peanut is on record saying (and still believes) climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese government. Because of this, he appointed Scott Pruitt as Director of the EPA. This nitwit is on record as saying the EPA's historical agenda has been based on "dubious science". 2So based on their mutual beliefs, they have started a systematic dismantling of regulations and policies that had been put in place to protect humankind against our own excesses. Sure, we all like cheap gasoline but there is a tipping point where the intetests of our health and the planet's well being override cost. This environmental destructive duo is too obligated to the corporate dollars of big oil and coal to make decisions and policy in the interests of the American people. This is the price of unlimited, anonymous donations to political candidates. End Citizens United! Make no mistake, even as we as individuals strive to keep ourselves in shape and healthy, if the air we breathe and the water we drink inch closer to being poisonous, we are doomed. Let's not wait until the Arctic icecaps have melted and Charlotte, NC is an oceanside resort city to demand that our government do what is right ... trust Science and legislate accordingly.