Some People... What Is A Fucktard? Read Count : 119

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle
   A good question to explore...
My definition of a fucktard is someone who can not comprehend or process information given to them. Written or verbal. I think there are two levels of classification.
   1) one who has a low IQ
   2) a narcissistic personality 

   Now, I have more patients with the dumb ones, cuz they can't help it. I have a short attention span, so I won't waste much time before moving on. We can only lead the horse to the water, so to speak.
   The Narcissistic personality fucktards, oh my goodness!!! This breed of fucktards usually has above average IQ. A big dipshit doesn't know how to manipulate as effectively. Right?  And yet, they can't relate passed their own boxes.Oh yeah, a lot of these fucktards are bipolar to boot. 
   I will tell you about my last encounter with a fucktard I know. She is to be soon ex-wife of my fiance. He had the divorce papers filed, and what they agreed on in the settlement. She is to keep the house, all content except his personal things, and a car. He got his 99 Dodge Dakota, 20,000 dollar credit card debt. 
   The last year of living together, she paid all house bills on his cards. Yet, have 6,000 dollars in the checking account. Now, who does that? A fucktard, that's who!! 
   The house was her mothers, her childhood home. She felt she did not have to sell her house to clear the debt they had together. So to just get the divorce filed he agreed to all her terms. 
   Three weeks after she received her copies of the divorce papers, she calls him. She wants to make changes in the way it is worded. What more does she want? She gets everything in the house. They had several collections of stuff worth money, like NASCAR, die-cast cars still in original packages. She called 5 times that day with questions of this and that. The answers to her questions are in the black and white text. Over and over he answered her questions cuz she couldn't comprehend. 
   All i can say is "what the fuck?", as i shake my head. Some people...


  • Oh my......

    Jan 09, 2018

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