The Execution Read Count : 57

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Have you ever thought of an idea or a plan but are too afraid to follow through with it? Well, I have. I let it sit idle in my head for a very long time because I felt I wasn't ready to execute it. But as time went on and that idea still kept playing in my head, I began to question myself. What exactly was I waiting for? The right time? When is that exactly? When I am completely ready? There is no such thing as being completely ready. Truth is, I am never going to feel like I have got everything sorted and all figured out. So what the hell was I waiting for? I know for a fact I was itching to carry out this plan. Only one thing to do - go for it.

First thing I did was listen. I listened to my heart telling me which way to go. Once I heard it, I committed myself to it. No more stalling. I took one step at a time, one breath at a time. I believe what I saw in my mind and what moved my heart will one day come to be if I give myself the opportunity to dig through. But here's the catch.... I have to continue digging in the same place consistently. And I did. I dug hard and I dug deep.

After all that hard work, I have reached a place where things have become clearer. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the way. I am now sure this is the path to travel. I still continue to dig tirelessly. I am now convinced that this is what I need to do every single day to make my idea a reality. Before this, I would only imagine it in my mind. But now, I speak with certainty and with conviction. I can do this.

This journey initially intimidated me. It worried me to no end. But now, I see it as a wonderful and challenging journey to embark on that will bring out the best in me. It will no doubt change me. In ways that will continue to help me grow.

"Having a vision with no execution is nothing but a hallucination." ~ Zee Zulu


  • This is so true. I have let so many ideas go because I was unsure or too nervous to risk it. Great article.

    Jan 08, 2018

  • Zee Zulu

    Zee Zulu

    Thanks, Jared. Thanks, Carl. 💜

    Jan 08, 2018

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