Promises To Keep? Read Count : 119

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle
If you keep promises, with what criteria do you decide why you follow through? There are many reasons on both sides, to keep promises, or not

The Negative Side:

To use a kept promise like a carrot hung in front of a horse to better control it. 

Keeping track of what someone has done for you, so they can use it later on to get you to do something they want. I knew someone who went back 10 years to what they had done for a relative, so they could control them in the present. The dialogue usually sounds something like this: "I did _____ for you, now you have to do what I tell you?"

You may make rash promises just to get people "off your back," with no intention of fulfilling them. You hope the person will forget what you said.

The Positive Side:

You keep your promises because you are a person of integrity. You think about what legacy you will leave behind for others to remember. 

You don't make a lot of promises, but the ones you say are kept. 

Do you see yourself or someone else in what has been written here? What can you add to this blog to make it mirror your experiences?

Promises have been precious in times past, but rarely in our present society. It also depends upon what culture you came from, and if you still value the standards you learned.

"God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?" (Numbers 23:19, NLT)

We are human, so we cannot be perfect in keeping our promises or anything else in this world. But that is not an excuse to fail to do all that we can to make fewer promises, yet strive to keep the ones we say.

There is a saying that goes, "My word is my bond." Have you ever bought a tube of glue to do a project or repair something, then when you used it there was no bonding? It didn't do what it was supposed to. Frustration!

Now, think of each time you don't follow through on a promise. It is like that glue you bought that didn't work. If your word is your bond, then a broken promise is like glue that doesn't work.

Remember this: Whatever you give out to others, positive or negative, will come back to you later, in greater measure. Luke 6:37


  • Beautiful!

    Jan 08, 2018

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