Careful What You Wish For.
Read Count : 112
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Horror
My mom always loved parties. She loved throwing one or attending one. My mom and I, we are totally the opposite. I hated parties, I always asked my mom if I could stay home but she always says no. I'm an only child, my dad left me when I turned one years old. So, it's just my mom and I. My mom came in my room "you're still not ready??", I ignored her. "Take off those stupid headphone of yours and get ready", I still ignored her. She got really close to my face "get.ready.young.lady" she said it so harsh and cold. I got up and headed to the bathroom, me and my mom, we don't really have a great relationship. We always argued with each other, yelled at each other, and threw things at each other. I took the time to get ready, BANG BANG, the door opened "what?" ,I said, she gave me a steaming stare "yes ma'am, not 'what' " I rolled my eyes. "you need to fix your make up, you look like a clown" ,she said while putting new shampoo bottles in the shower. "I could go like this or I could stay in the bathroom for another hour and we can be late to your own party" she rolled her eyes this time and left the bathroom. I did what my mom told me, I redid my makeup then, I put on a pair of black ankle boots and a jean jacket. I got in the car and so did my mom. I sat in the back seat, I don't like sitting in the front seat next to her. She backed up the car and we're now on our way to the party. It was dark outside, sometimes i wonder how people can drive at night, they must have night vision or something. " you are failing math and history" ,she said in a quiet tone "okay?", my mom got triggered by my responce "okay?? I don't want people knowing how stupid you are. It's embarrassing, you're embarrassing." I can feel my cheeks getting hot "sorry for not being perfect!" She stopped the car in the middle of the bridge that is above water, causing both of us to jerk forwards. She took of her seat belt, turned towards me, and slapped me. "You do not raise your voice at me. NEVER. Do you understand!?", she was full on yelling. I can feel my eyes stinging "little bitch", she said under her breath. My mom pressed the petals and we were moving again. I wish she was never alive. I WISH SHE WAS DEAD! Out of nowhere a huge truck hits our car causing us to swerve. We were spinning out of control. The front of the car hits the metal fence that "protects" cars from falling off the bridge but whoever built that obviously sucked at their job because the metal fence broke. The front of the car was leaning forwards really slowly. If we don't get out we would fall in the ocean and no one would be able to see us in the water because it's pitch black. I take of my sest belt, my mom was completely knocked out. She was bleeding from the side of her head, I can hear people yelling and talking behind our car. Some guy opened my side "are you alright kid? Someone help me take her out the car" another dude went to my side carrying me far away from the car. They placed me on the ground next to a woman, she was holding me and telling me everything will be okay. I just sat there watching them trying to take my mom out the car but the car started to lean forwards even faster "HENERY move away from the car!", A lady yelled. The men were trying their best but the car leaned even further and it started it slip. My mom and the men went in the water with the car. The lady was screaming so much. I feel dizzy..My mom isn't here with me anymore. I'm.....alone.