Life Is A Game
Read Count : 160
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Adventure
Life is a game I saw no track of my brother in the room, yet the usual mess ruled the place with socks covering the floor and left randomly on furniture. I swiped a shirt off his chair, then sat down to look for clues why he’d kept the computer turned on, or where he had been, but I found nothing. Next, I tried with the machine. I pushed the right stick of his – I guess he calls it a- controller, and the screen came alive. He had been playing a game before he left, but why hadn’t he turned it off? He knew we were low on money, still he wasted electricity… He’s going to get it this time! I almost pushed the big button to switch the machine off, when I spotted something unusual in the game. I saw a cell in which sat a boy, looking exactly like Ben. He jumped up and looked into my direction, just as if he saw me. His frightened face filled the screen. I hadn’t known games were so developed these days that you could create the exact copy of yourself but science seems unstoppable. My finger was just inches away from the button, and I had almost pushed it before the simulation of Ben started talking, ’Ash!’ he shouted my name desperately. I froze ’Help me!’ ’What on earth…’ I thought, then closed my eyes then opened them again only to realize that the digital Ben hadn’t disappeared. ’It’s me! Your brother! Don’t freak out but I got stuck in Fallout 4. A small gadget fell out of the computer causing an error…’ I cut him mid-sentence ’What do I need to do?’ I asked but I didn’t realize what was happening around me. ’Put the micropro…’he stopped and thought for a brief second to simplify it for me: ’ that little green object into the computer’ . I did so, but nothing happened. ’Then if you press the button at the back of the controller you’ll get inside the game to where I last saved it. You must fight a few enemies until you get there. I am imprisoned in a factory, on the first floor, north from your position. Please hurry!’ Without knowing what I was doing, I pressed that button finding myself on a cracked-up road. The sky was disagreeably grey, the leafless trees were creeping upwards like thorns and dozens of rusty cars were left on the land. The grass was yellow and weary crows were flying above me. What a wretched world I’d gotten into… I had two pistols attached to my belt alongside with a long-bladed machete. I was well-armed, yet afraid. I’d never shot anyone in my whole life. I held one of the guns in my hand, and aimned at everything suspicious, but nothing attacked me. I started to feel relieved just when a big, sharp-toothed, pink rodent burst out of the ground, glanced at me, growled then ran towards me. I screamed in horror, and shot a whole cartridge into the animal. It fell to the ground with a loud thud, and dust ascended in the air. The creature moved no more. I had just killed a living thing… I comforted myself thinking that none of this was real, but a virtual world. I was gasping for air for a few seconds, afterwards I gained my life spirit back and continued my journey. I noticed a few houses, all in terrible shape. The road led through them. As I got closer I realized they were even in worse condition than they first appeared. No windows, no doors even some walls crumbled down. The settlement was abandoned-or so I tought. I walked through the half of the town when I saw strange humanoid strumbling across in front of me. It stopped and turned its filthy head. We stared at each other for a few moments. He-or she- had dry skin, yellow eyes and no lips, just pointy teeth. It was a mutant of some sort. I blinked, and that was the time he began running in my direction, at an unexpectedly high speed. It was reaching out for me with its grotesque hands when I shot it between its devilish eyes. The sound of gunfire attracted more of these monsters. I took the machete into my other hand and attacked them. I started to improve my technique but one beast somehow still managed to bite me. I screamed in pain as the teeth sank into my flesh, tearing bits out of it until I hit its head with the grip of my gun, then sliced off its neck with my machete. When their corpses lay on the ground, I began running so that I’d arrive faster at the factory. I spotted a dim light in the distance. I hoped that it belonged to the factory and I was close. The sun was going down and darkness was rising. I didn’t want to stay out at night at any costs as I wouldn’t have seen past my nose. I arrived at the factory in time, To my surprise those who pointed a weapon at me were hundred percent human. It was a me-or-them game, although in real life I couldn’t hurt anyone. I rushed across big halls, tiny corridors and product-maker machines that were out of order. Soon I found Ben’s prison. He jumped up as he saw me. ’Ash! You found me!’ he cheered ’Key’s on the table’ I set him free then hugged him tightly. Suddenly a thought popped into my mind. ’How do we get out?’ ’It’s easy’ he said ’But it’s unnecessary to explain as you wouldn’t understand. Give me that… bracelet you’re wearing. Bet you didn’t even notice it’ I sighed, but he was right. He took the object, pressed a button and a hologram screen appeared on the wall. He typed our full name, Ashlyn and Benjamin Blevins, then wrote a set of letters and numbers and poof we were back in my brother’s bedroom again. I sighed in relief but then I looked down at my arm, and fainted at the sight of blood. When I opened my eyes I was laying in my bed. So it was all a dream. But then I noticed the bandage on my arm…