Read Count : 216
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
All rights reserved by Kandice Burchett 2017 As those bright carmine red eyes sore over the trees, Azure hair clouded it's vision. Looking for the source of the screech from the shadows. the screams are what satisfies the killer. the screams of the people the ventablack skinned hunter and the love of its life had hunted for, stalked together, and successfully captured. the victims try to run from it, try wont get far. they will be spotted and killed. some tried to be its companion after the love of its life passed away. They will never be able to have its children. They try to love the killer, they always fail. So, the killer has other plans for them. Horrifying plans. Laughter filled the forest. *** The victims are taken from parking lots, schools, and public bathrooms. Whom are of all all races, no matter their age, gender, hair or eye color. the killer does not care if you have family that love you, friends to be with you, nor a significant other. Given the choice to be its companion. But no one can ever be it's companion. taken to be its companion once the love of its life was killed by its own hands. Some try to rebel against the killer. Therefore Killer made orders for it's victims. The orders of the creator are as followed; Do not eat any food, your teeth will be ripped out one by one. Do not drink, your punishment is an hours worth of lashings from the whip. Do not try to run from me, I will find you. Do not try to escape. You will never go back to the ones you love. Do not disobey me, I will cut off your hands If you get into a fight, you or your opponent MUST DIE. DO. NOT. HAVE. CHILDREN. females your reproductive system will be ripped out. some may die afterwords. The one's that directly disobeyed the creators orders numerous times are tortured to unimaginable extent. For some, Limbs of the victim are ripped open, snakes are placed in the wound. The wound is then sewed up as the snake starts to slither to find a way to get to a source of oxygen. At the same time, Another limb is ripped open. A spider will be placed in the wound. That wound is also sewed up. The spider then lays its eggs in one of the victims vain. The pain alone will then leave it's victims begging for death to wash over them. When death does not come, it is then the victims realize that they are never going to see death. With their arms chained above their head. The snake is now slithering around the back, up and down their spine, the skin is ripping apart When the snake slows to a stop, it is then injected with Adrenalin. As the snake is slowly dying, the eggs are hatching in your blood, clogging your arteries. This torture may feel like it is going on for hours on end. This type of torture is only going on for only five minutes. Tortured with no anesthesia. for some, torture is much more painful... *** A new victim that looks like a thirteen year old, is of thirteen months. The creator does this torture alone. The cracking of a whip as it smacks against the wall, is heard. Causing the victim to flinch and whimper. Wind like laughter filled the chamber. Tick Tick Tick. "You will never be able to see your child!" The whip snapped again. Getting closer to the victim. "You directly disobeyed my orders!" SNAP! The hocks at the many ends connected with pale white skin, turning it red, blue, gray, and violate. Tick Tick Tick. the creator half stepped out of the shadows. The darkness of the creators shin was darker then the shadows, hair azure blue, and eyes of carmine red. "You think you can get away with the fact that you had a child!" The creator grabbed the victim, hard by the lower jaw, forcing her to look at the creator's eye's. "You were special to me Zell! Why would you do this to me?!" " you betrayed me! You, the love of my life just had to have a child! even though you promised ME that you would not have a child WiThOuT Me!!!" The creator at the end broke into a demonic voice, leaving the girl in terror. the creator walked slowly to the other side of the table. "Venta...I didn't know ..." Zell stuttered. Ticking sounded again. "You...Did...Not...Know! Even after all I've done for you!" Ventablack then forced open Zell's legs and proceeded to tie them, separately, to iron chains. "I followed you into that hellhole of an asylum, I killed for you...I-I feel in love with you...AnD yOu TrEaT mE lIkE tHiS?" Red hot crossed iron bars then fell from the darkness above her. You can hear clearly of the sizzling of flesh as it made contact with the boiling hot bars. As quickly as it had come, it had vanished. "Why would you even... do this thing to me!" SMACK. That bars came yet again. Again, the bars vanished. The scent of burnt flesh, along with the scent of crimson red blood, can make the strongest of stomachs release its hold on all of its contents.Tick Tick Tick. "Where is that sound coming from." Zell looked about the room, or tried to. The room had jet jet black walls. Tools of a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, adorned the walls. Tick Tick Tick. Along the wall, was pictures of when they went out on hunts. Not the typical hunts that you, the reader know off. No these were of hunting humans, mostly infants, or young toddlers. Zell then looked behind her so called 'Love of her life', she froze in horror. With it's claw like structure, and blood stained metal prongs, Zell whimpered. Tick Tick Tick. 'Where is that sound coming from?' Zell screamed in her mind. Tick Tick Tick. The noise was driving her mad. Just when she as about to scream out in frustration, she saw it. It was so white, that it hurt her scarlet red eyes. That noise was coming from that thing, that strange object. The strange contraption was so tall, that it towered well over the clawed torture device. It looked like it was made of wood. How can it be made of wood, when there was not a single tree here in the Ventablack's house. She could hear the famous wind like laughter. The softest of footsteps came from behind her. "Do you, my Love, like the design of this chamber? I tried to make this Special for you, my truest Love." The voice broke of into laughter. "My dearest Zellenia LaFer, this is all but a scam. For this all is an experiment." Zellenia could not believe that Venta would to such a thing, as to convince her that it truly loved her. After she begged it or rather "him" to take her from that horrible dump of trash that was her 'Family,' that they would have killed her after burning her, drawing on her skin with a red hot iron knife and treating her like their slave. She thought that she could trust Ventablack to take her away. Now, Zellenia knew she was wrong. Wind like laughter again, filled the chamber. "The grandfather clock is a great addition to the torture. I like the outcome. Although I need something else to spice up the torture that my love of my life deserves for betraying me. Hmmmm...what should it be then?" *** The children are taken from their families. Kept in cages, that are in jet black rooms. Given no food, nor water. Nor can they leave their rooms. Forced to sleep in their feces. Then forced to work in complete darkness. The children's only interaction is from the Whippers. The Whippers beat the children, by the orders of Ventablack. Then, the Whippers themselves are beaten to death by whips if they do not do a good job. Those are it's victims, it's slaves. Those are my victims. My slaves. I am Ventablack. I am coming for you. Maybe you could be my companion. Maybe you could be better than Zellenia LaFer. This is out on Wattpad with more chapters!!!