I'm Thinking We're Meant To Be.
Read Count : 128
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
This part of our story was fate. So we're going strong for the third week. I'm happy. We are once again kickin it with Becky and Chief. We're watching Shawshank Redemption, on mute. We still talk during movies. We're chattin it up. (I'm weirdly close to my family.) So I mentioned one of my aunt's. He says, "I know her, and your uncle." I was kinda confused. He starts naming more of my family members. It turns out that my grandma and his mom have known each other since Eddie was a kid! My grandma even put Eddie and his brother in boxing classes when they were younger! They were actually kinda close. So we're talking about my family and then he says. I lived a block away from you and your ex. He said he and his friend came by my house looking for my ex about 3 years prior to us meeting. I answered the door and told them that my ex wasn't home then went back in. Right then and there he told his friend "One day, that's going to be my girl." His friend said "man that's the cable guys wife!" And blew him off. Sometimes Eddie would walk his dog up and down the block and see me. He had a crush. 💖 We were always so close to meeting. I guess the time was never right. My ex passed away. That's why my life went wild and I ended up in jail. After that weekend we we're inseparable. We allowed our selves to get deeper than kickin it. We became a couple. We were addicted. He would pick me up. We would hang out then he'd take me home. Two hours later were desperate to see each other again. He'd be heading over to chill or I'd be getting ready to spend the night with him. We were more than lovers. We were best friends. We laughed we played, we planned our future. We were in the best type of love.