Meant To Be??!? Read Count : 163

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
I can breathe. Kinda..

I have been in jail for two months now. This is torture! It stinks, we only shower twice a week. Imagine 100 unshowered women in an enclosed and ventless room. Ugh! It's akin to modern day torture. 
Thank goodness I have a friend. Her name is Becky. Its clear that she was once very beautiful. Cocaine, hard living and the loss of hope has taken it's toll. She has a foggy eye. Cataracts? Injury? It's not my business, in jail you really need to be mindful of your questions. 
Becky and I are not the hardend criminals that we're housed with. We couldn't be more different than the other women in our pod. I'm in jail sitting out a 72 day sentence. The Beckster is in for a light stint as well. We gravitate towards each other first because we are both NDN. (In lock up races stick together.)
We become fast friends. 

Like it was meant to be. 
Our days consist mostly of walking laps around the pod, swapping snacks and looking for sleeping pills to get us through the next day. Of course, she has a boyfriend who sends large packages to her each week, and my grandma puts $60 a week on my books. So, between us we're about as comfortable as can be in the clink. I buy the food and she provides the magazines. One Tuesday her package arrives as usual. But this time "Chief" sends a picture of himself and a couple of friends kickin back. She's excited to show me his picture. I'm not impressed. But, a certain smile caught my eye. 
I didn't even look twice at Chief because I was mesmerized by this huge smile and soulful eyes.
I am usually quite smitten with a person at first. Then I quickly become bored. So I chalk my feelings up to being around too many women.  I couldn't-not tell The Beckster what I thought. As soon as I mentioned the guy in the picture she was on the phone trying to hook us up. I declined of course.  But damn.. 
I just couldn't get him out of my head. I found myself wondering about his smile. I imagined that he would be funny and kind. I daydreamed about us meeting and kickin it. Drinking, Smoking and Laughing. I was hooked by his smile and eyes. My own thoughts kept me interested. 
Time went on. I would occasionally ask Becky about the guy. She told me his name is Big Indio. He has a job. He likes to party and doesn't smoke cigarettes.
Days went on. Our time was nearly up. Thank God!!! 
We said all the things new friends who are thrust into a near-roommate situation say. The "give me your number" And the "let's get together as soon as we're both out!!" plans are made. The intent is to keep the promises. To be best friends and sisters forever. Then, the first few days of freedom pass. Then it's two weeks later. The addictions claim their stake again and the promises are sadly put aside. The other becomes a fond memory during a hard time. 
I'm happy to say that was not the case with Becky and me. I was transferred to the next county over to settle an old ticket. Becky stayed one day after I left and was released. After a few days I'm released and I call Becky. She and Chief pick me up from jail. I'm thrilled to be free, but, nervous because we're headed 75 MPH straight to a party and Big Indio is already there!!


  • omg....sounds intresting so far!!!! must write more!!!

    Jan 07, 2018

  • ShortTree 2012

    ShortTree 2012

    this is the story of how my husband and I met.

    Feb 17, 2018

  • Tell us more. what happened afterwards? 😄

    Jan 07, 2018

  • Aug 28, 2018

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