Wait A Damn Minute
Read Count : 124
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Who do you think you are? Who did you think you were? You must have thought that it's okay, To talk to ME any kind of way. You may have talked to HER that way, But talk to ME like that? NO DAMN WAY. Did you know that I'll kill you if you tried to distract me from my purpose? Did you know that I'll bury you if you tried to take away my peace I worked so hard for? Did you know that even in the afterlife, I'll have you banned from heaven for even thinking you were slick enough, to take who i am and make me into what you want? What did you call ME? What did you say to ME? I don't take words lightly. Especially not the foul words coming from someone who claims to love me. Signed, Your NOW Ex.