Slytherin's Emerald Princess Read Count : 198

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
   The Day Destiny Began    
Dear Diary,   
                        July 15th, 1981
Nobody knows this but my mum was Lord Voldemort’s daughter, she died when I was a toddler, and my father is Severus Snape. When my father first took the job of being a death eater he and my mum were partnered up. They had a one nightstand sort of thing, thus I was born. Anyways, mum and dad were paired up. Even though he still was in love with Lily, as the months went bye they grew very close and he grew to love my mum. This closeness scared my grandfather which caused him to do a horrible, frightening, and inhuman thing . . . a thing one couldn’t possibly imagine. He murdered is own daughter right before my, his granddaughter's, own eyes. However nobody to this day actually has any knowledge that I was there in the room.
    My grandfather asked my mum to bring me to him so, he could give me a lesson in our family history as well as give me a family heirloom. He had a tendency to spoil me since, I naturally favored his appearance more than my mum’s or my dad’s. My eyes where the perfect mixture of green, violet, and onyx but other than that my appearance was like my grandfather’s before he became Lord Voldemort. I had a round heart shaped face with long, thick, and curly black hair and a very pale complexion but it was a creamy colour not a sallow one like my father’s or pasty white like my grandfather’s became once he transformed into The Dark Lord. However I inherited my grandmother’s ability as a metamorphamagus so I can change my appearance as I please.
     I was so happy to go see him because, he never told me no and gave me everything I wanted. What child in their right mind would not want to see their grandfather?! He would say a Princess should get whatever she wants. We took the floo network to Malfoy Manor and mum lead me to the library. He lurked in the shadows awaiting my mum and knowing she would bring me along but not caring about the damage he will be doing to his granddaughter. Mum told me to wait outside with Aunt Bellatrix and Aunt Narcissa while she talked to grandfather. Narcissa had just had Draco a few months before so, he was still young. “I ‘ant to ‘old cousin Drakey . . . I ‘ant to ‘old ‘im ‘oooow!!!” I whined very loudly. Mum, who was very tired because I had refused to take a nap earlier, looked desperately at my Aunts for help. “Violette darling Draco is still too little for you to hold right now.” Narcissa cooed helpfully. As if a spoiled toddler was able to understand this logic. So, I did what any proper child would do in this situation . . . I screamed and cried and threw the biggest tantrum they had ever seen. “No! No! No! No! GRANDPAAAAAA! GRANDPAAAA!” I yelled as I waddled quickly away from my mum’s grasp. “I ‘ant to ‘old ‘ikle Drakey ‘ut they ‘on’t ‘et me!!!!” I yell as I run into the Study where he is hiding. “I ‘ant it ‘oooow!” I continue yelling as I jump into his arms. “What in the bloody hell is going on?” he booms loudly. “I ‘ant to ‘old Drakey ‘ut they ‘on’t ‘et me!!!” I say breathlessly. He chuckles as he picks me up and squeezes me tightly. “Silly little girl . . . if you want something you simply take it there is no need to ask of course because you are a princess.” He says and smiles eerily. Narcissa looks at him with utter shock as if he had just told me to steal her son from her. “I pincess I ‘old Drakey now!!!” I say and he puts me down and I take Draco from his mother’s arms and kiss his nose. I hold him like Aunt ‘Cissa showed me last time. “He’s he’vy I want ‘air!” I proclaim. Someone immediately conjured up a soft, plush, green and silver chair. “The adults are going to talk now Violette so, be a good little girl and wait out here and Grandpa will give you a gift.” Grandpa said to me. 
     After they went into the study Dobby popped in “Does the Little Miss need or want anything?” he asked while he bowed low to the ground. My face lit up like a Christmas tree, “Dobby you ‘ere you ‘ere!” I squealed with delight. “Miss please quite down . . . dobby will get in trouble Miss.” He pleaded. I instantly stopped the noise and whispered “Dobby wants ‘ocolate ‘ight?” “Yes Dobby would love some chocolate that is so kind of Miss Riddle.” He nods. “You go get some . . . ‘ere use this,” I pulled out my change purse, it looks like a snake, and hand it to Dobby. “I ‘ant ‘ogs and ‘akes and ‘otts e’ry ‘avor ‘eans and Dobby ‘ets ‘hat he ‘ants ‘oo!” I say with a huge grin on my face. “Yes Miss Dobby will not rest ‘til he finds them all. Dobby thanks’ Miss for her kindness,” and with a loud *pop* he vanishes in a puff of smoke.
       Draco was still fast asleep and I made no promises of staying where I was so, I creeped from my chair to peek on the grown-ups and their big people talk. I  look in and am blinded by a flash of eerie green light. I hear a thud and a crash and see the look of utter torment arranged on my mother’s perfect face. I start screaming violently and someone takes Draco out of my arms as I run to my mother. I fall down beside her and scream for her to wake up. I must’ve been there for hours before my dad finally scooped me up in his arms. I cry silently into his shoulder as he stands over my mother’s cold dead body. I slowly start to drift towards sleep and when I close my eyes my mother is there holding her arms out to me and saying, “Sweetheart I love you and will always love you.” 
   Then I remember my mother screaming and begging for her life, my grandfather’s cruel, harsh, and cold laughs echoing in the silence that followed my mother’s death. This memory scars my mind to this day. I take it out of my pensive and put it back in the vile. I swear to collect everyone’s memories of that day.
        After my mum’s death dad wasn’t the same. He barely spent anytime at home. When I got ill he stayed at my bedside every night. Then he sent me to live with my Aunt and Uncle because school was beginning again. I had a horrible dream the night my grandfather disappeared. 
    I walk over to my bed and crawl in next to Draco under the plush, soft, and silky comforter. Tomorrow we are going to Diagon Alley for school supplies and to pick up my uniforms. After a while I drift back to sleep and have the same dream I have had for the past thirteen years. A little boy about the same age as Draco is screaming. A woman with red hair is soothing him. She calls the boy Harry and says she loves him so very much. She begs my grandfather to not kill her son. His laughs cruelly at her and green light shoots out of his wand and she falls to the ground. My grandfather turns to the child ready to kill him as well when a bright light shines over the child and when it hits my grandfather he seems to disappear. I can see his spirit floating in the air. He leaves quickly I can only guess he is looking for a new body. I look at the boy and reach out to him. I wipe the tears from his cheeks. “Little Harry Potter you will be a great wizard one day. You might even be a match for my grandfather. I promise I will grow up to be a great witch and I will protect you as much as I can.” The dream shifts then and I am in a field with my grandfather and he says the spell that kills me. Green light surrounds me and I awake from my nightmare with a scream of pure terror.


  • Erica D

    Erica D

    keep it up!

    May 09, 2017

  • S.R.Violette Roy

    S.R.Violette Roy

    @Erica D and @ Jared DeMoss thank you!!! For the great rating. Is there any constructive criticism that you would like to give me?

    May 09, 2017

  • Emily Dokie

    Emily Dokie

    oh my god criticism, that is amazing, like i really wanna read more. keep writing, u have a gift!! 😇😍😍

    May 10, 2017

  • S.R.Violette Roy

    S.R.Violette Roy

    @ Emily Dokie Thank You

    May 10, 2017

  • S.R.Violette Roy

    S.R.Violette Roy

    Please Read my Chapter One

    May 10, 2017

  • May 09, 2017

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